Blick in das LC Gebäude

Institute for Marketing ManagementRSS

"The purpose of the business is to create and keep a customer" (Peter Drucker). Yet how does one win and retain customers? We at the Institute of Marketing Management enthusiastically confront these and other similar questions every day. In both our research and teaching, we seek to achieve an optimal balance between academic rigor and relevance and proactively pursue exchange and collaboration with the foremost marketing experts and practitioners.

Our goal is to generate cuttinge-edge marketing knowledge of the highest standards and convey it in the lecture hall in an engaging manner.

Research in Pictures

University knowledge inside: How and when university-industry collaborations make new products more attractive to consumers. Journal of Marketing88 (2), 1-20, 2024 (L. Maier, M. Schreier, C. V. Baccarella, and K.-I. Voigt) (Link)


Remi Trudel

Research Talk by Remi Trudel, Boston University (US)

As our latest guest for our Research Seminar Series, we welcomed Remi Trudel from Boston University (US). He presented his recent research on "The Material Diversity Paradox: Why Products with Many…


Welcome to our marketing specialization! (SBWL)

We warmly welcome the class of SS 2025 and look forward to spending the next two exciting semesters together!

Lukas Maier

SCP Best Paper Conference Theme Award

Dr. Lukas Maier presented his recent work at this year’s Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Annual Conference in Las Vegas. The SCP Annual Conference is one of the leading academic international…

WU Logo as fallback image for news article.

Reconnect, Rediscover, Reignite: Inaugural MSc Marketing Alumni Day

Marketing Disrupted by AI: Leading the Transformation | WU Vienna | May 16, 2025

students cooperation with IKARUS Security Software

Real Life Marketing Project: Cooperation with IKARUS Security Software - successfully accomplished

Partner in this winter term was the tech-company IKARUS Security Software. IKARUS Security Software is one of the pioneers in cyber security. Located in Vienna, IKARUS develops tailored security…

Project seminar NÖ Werbung

Erfolgreicher Abschluss der Kooperation mit der NÖ Werbung im Projektseminar

Die Niederösterreich Werbung ist die offizielle Tourismus- und Marketingorganisation des Bundeslandes Niederösterreich. Ihre zentrale Aufgabe ist es, Niederösterreich als attraktives Ausflugs- und…