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Institute for Marketing ManagementRSS

"The purpose of the business is to create and keep a customer" (Peter Drucker). Yet how does one win and retain customers? We at the Institute of Marketing Management enthusiastically confront these and other similar questions every day. In both our research and teaching, we seek to achieve an optimal balance between academic rigor and relevance and proactively pursue exchange and collaboration with the foremost marketing experts and practitioners.

Our goal is to generate cuttinge-edge marketing knowledge of the highest standards and convey it in the lecture hall in an engaging manner.

Research in Pictures

University knowledge inside: How and when university-industry collaborations make new products more attractive to consumers. Journal of Marketing88 (2), 1-20, 2024 (L. Maier, M. Schreier, C. V. Baccarella, and K.-I. Voigt) (Link)


Slide SBWL

Are you interested in our marketing specialization? (SBWL)

Here you can find the SBWL Marketing presentation slides with all the relevant information to help get you started on your path (including information on registration, entry requirements, and exam…

Dieter Scharitzer

„What is in for me? - Loyalität muss dem Kunden etwas bringen

"Alles fließt“, sagte bereits Heraklit rund 500 vor Christus und begründete damit eine eigene philosophische Lehre. Knapp 3.000 Jahre später hat der Satz nichts an Bedeutung eingebüßt und umschreibt…

Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking – Insightful Guest Talks from Marcello Demner (DMB) and Dr. Tobias Eismann (Siemens AG)

As part of Master of Science in Marketing course “Creative Thinking,” we had the honor of welcoming two excellent guest speakers and experts in the field of creativity: Marcello Demner (Managing…

Anne-Laure Sellier

Research Talk by Anne-Laure Sellier, HEC Paris (FR)

We had the pleasure of hosting Anne-Laure Sellier from HEC Paris as the most recent guest in our Research Seminar Series. She presented her lastest work on how slow and fast motion videography…

Logo Green Challenge

Green Challenge Weeks at WU - Who is more sustainable: Students or WU staff?

During the next two weeks, the "Green Challenge Weeks" take place at WU (May 06 - 17). The main question is: Who is more sustainable? Students or Profs?* Here's how you can participate: Get a…

Sarah Gelper

Research Talk by Sarah Gelper, University of Luxemburg (LU)

As our latest guest for our Research Seminar Series we welcomed Sarah Gelper from the University of Luxemburg. She shared her recent work on temporary loyalty programs in retail. Many supermarket…