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Margit Kastner

Mag. Dr. Margit Kastner
Senior Lecturer

Office hours: by arrangement
Room:  D2.1.558

T +43 1 31336 4476
F +43 1 31336 90 4476

Margit is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Marketing. During completing her Master and PhD studies, she worked at the Institute of Service Marketing as an e-learning consultant (e-Developer) in the field of Marketing for WU’s e-learning system Learn@WU. This is where her passion for educational research started, which is still reflected in her teaching and research today. Her interests are focused on exploring innovative pedagogical practices to engage students and enhance their learning experiences. This includes the integration of new features within an e-learning system, and the usage of new technologies or simulations in class. Besides, she is particularly keen in exploring the value of multiple choice tests and the evaluation of grading. Her work has been published in academic books, journals, and conference proceedings of main scientific conferences in the field of education and information systems (e.g., ICIS, HICSS, ICALT, and ICERI). She was nominated for best paper awards at HICSS (2012), MApEC (2006), and received the IFITT Thesis Excellence Award (2012) for her dissertation. Much of her time Margit devotes to  the planning, development, and evaluation of courses in the undergraduate program (e.g., Marketing, Academic Writing) and the supervision of students’ thesis at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her commitment led to several awards for their teaching performance (WU eTeaching-Award 2014, WU-Award Excellent Teaching 2014, WU-Award Innovative Teaching 2014, 2017, and 2023). For more information on her work and for a full list of publications please refer to the publication database and to LinkedIn.

Research interests, selected publications, and current projects

Selected awards


Supervised diploma, master, and bachelor theses

Awarded theses

Available topics for theses supervision
