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Video Conferences

Video conferences allow you to communicate with colleagues residing in separate locations, to work on projects with different groups and to share documents or to have face-to-face connections with external people during events at WU (and vice versa).

Software-based video conferencing

In contrast to hardware-based technology, software-based video conferencing can be set up at any workplace computer. For PCs without built-in AV technology, a camera and a headset must be connected via USB. If you require any of these devices, please send us a support request via the web form so that we can provide you with the devices on time.

Microsoft Teams

WU employees, staff and students can use Microsoft Teams for online meetings, videoconferences and distance learning. Please visit the following pages for specific information.

Hardware-based video conferencing

WU has two mobile video conferencing units equipped with a large screen, camera, microphone and speakers. It is the "Polycom Group 500" system, an IP-based video conferencing system.

This system enables high-quality video conferencing – but it requires a compatible hardware and an appropriate Internet connection at the remote site. So before every video conference, all components which are planned to be used during the video conference should be checked at a test meeting.

For more details about the system, please refer to the attached overview.

Can I borrow missing hardware - and if so, where?

Various hardware for employees

Downloads and Documents

Below you will find relevant downloads and documents for this service (instructions, data sheets, etc.).

Polycom Group 500 Datasheet
Polycom Group 500 Datasheet
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