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IOD Research SeminarRSS

International Scholars in Strategy & Organization regularly discuss their work in our IOD Research Seminar:

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FSP morning chat with Nadine Kammerlander

While the weather at the end of November looked pretty bleak we were able to welcome Prof. Kammerlander for an enlightning morning chat with our junior female scholars. Nadine Kammerlander was…

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FSP event with Miriam Flickinger

At this years' first event of the winter semester we welcomed Prof. Dr. Miriam Flickinger. She is a Full Professor at the Department of Management at Aarhus University. Her research interests are in…

Prof. Marko Sarstedt

Workshop with Prof. Dr. Marko Sarstedt

Prof. Dr. Marko Sarstedt, LMU - Munich school of Management  Prof. Sarstedt visited the IOD in December and held a workshop about "Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)".

Prof. Randi Lunnan, Prof. Patricia Klarner

Research seminar with Prof. Randi Lunnan

Prof. Randi Lunnan, Norwegian Business School Prof. Lunnan visited the IOD in November 2018. She held a research seminar with the title "Keeping up with the current: Identifying key elements of…

Prof. Jason Kiley

Research visit by Prof. Jason Kiley

Prof. Jason Kiley, Oklahoma State University Prof. Kiley visited the IOD in October 2018. He held a workshop on Machine learning and semantic text analysis. Additionally, Prof. Kiley consulted…

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Impressions from the Research Seminar with Prof. Lavie (Bocconi University)

Prof. Dovev Lavie, Bocconi University  Prof. Lavie visited the IOD in April 2018. He held a research seminar with the title "What drives exploration? Convergence of exploration tendencies among…

Prof. Sucheta Nadkarni

FSP kick-off event with Prof. Sucheta Nadkarni

On January 24, 2018, we had our FSP kick-off event. WU Rector Prof. Hanappi-Egger welcomed our participants, followed by an introduction by Prof. Klarner. Afterwards, Prof. Nadkarni (Cambridge Judge…

Prof. Theresa Treffers

Research visit Prof. Theresa Treffers

Prof. Theresa Treffers, TU Munich & Seeburg Castle University Prof. Treffers visited the IOD in November 2017 to work on a joint research project with Prof. Klarner. She also shared her insights on…

Prof. Ivanka Visnjic

Research visit Prof. Ivanka Visnjic

Prof. Ivanka Visnjic, ESADE Business School Prof. Visnjic visited the IOD in November 2017 to work on a joint research project with Prof. Klarner. She also shared her insights on academic career…

More of our guests can bei found on the Female Scholar program page:

WU Female Scholar Program