[Translate to English:] Wirtschaftsinformatik und Gesellschaft

Sarah Spiekermann-Hoff


Head of the Institute

  • Tel: +43-1-31336-5460

  • E-Mail: mis-sek@wu.ac.at

  • Consultation hour: Wednesday 16:00-18:00 by appointment


Since 2009 Sarah Spiekermann is chairing the Institute for Information Systems & Society at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). She is a well-regarded scientist, author, speaker and advisor on digital ethics. According to a ranking by Stanford University in 2024, she is one of the 2% most cited scientists in her field worldwide. Ms. Spiekermann published several books, including “Value-based Engineering – a guide to build ethical technology for humanity” (DeGruyter, 2023), “Digital Ethics – A Value System for the 21st Century” (Droemer, 2019) and “Ethical IT Innovation: A Value-based System Design Approach” (Taylor & Francis, 2015), as well as over 100 articles in leading academic journals such as “Communications of the ACM”,  “IEEE Transactions” or “Science, Technology and Values”. In 2016 Sarah co-founded the “Sustainability Computing Lab”. In the same year she also started vice-chairing IEEE’s “P7000” project, leading the development of the first model process for ethical system design (or what is called “VBE – Value-based Engineering”) published in 2021 (also referenced as ISO/IEC/IEEE 24 748-7000). A detailed biography, background and media information can be found either on Wikipedia or Sarah’s private website.

Sarah co-supervised the academic work of PhD students between 2003 and 2009 at Humboldt University in Berlin: Prof. Dr. Hanna Krasnova, Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer, Dr. Matthias Rothensee and Prof. Dr. Michael Klafft. Since joining WU in 2009, she accompanied the PhD projects of Prof. Dr. Marie Oetzel, Dr. Peter Lasinger, Dr. Esther Görnemann, Dr. Till Winkler, Dr. Kathrin Bednar, Dr. Olha Drozd and Dr. Alexander Novotny (who received the 2016 National Award of Excellence for his PhD thesis) and served as external examiner to PhD projects in the field of computer science, engineering and philosophy.

Publications: WU Pulications Database
Research, Press, Videos etc: www.sarahspiekermann.com

Press photos

Value-based Engineering

  • Value-based Engineering for Ethics by Design

Digital Ethics

„A must-read."
Andrian Kreye, Süddeutsche Zeitung

„Spiekermann’s range of insights is remarkable and captivating: she takes us from Silicon Valley, to Aristotle’s ethics, to the history of the West’s faith in technological progress, to fundamental questions of knowledge and human values. This book is at once soaring in vision and utterly practical in application, an essential guide to cultivating good lives in the digital age.“
Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University