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Fatima Jamaa joined the Team - Welcome!

We are happy to welcome Ms. Fatima Jamaa in our team. Fatima joined our team in July and will end her internship in four month. She supports the team in literature research, data collection and…

Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting in Copenhagen

The theme for AIB’s annual conference has been quite timely: “International Business in an Unsettling Political and Economic Environment.” Professor Schlegelmilch, who is a Fellow of the Academy of…

Katerina Makri attended AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference in Buenos Aires

Dr. Katerina Makri presented a paper which is part of a ‘work in progress’ joint project with Prof. Bodo Schlegelmilch and Dr. Karolos Papadas (University of York). The presentation was entitled: ‘How…

Conference Contribution at the Academy of Marketing Science: Overcorrection in Multi-Racial Sales-Interactions

On May 30th, Katharina Dinhof presented her doctoral research at the Academy of Marketing Science in Vancouver, Canada. Professor Schlegelmilch is supervising her research and together, they submitted…

Articles for 19/20 Entry Exam are online now

Our entry exam consists of two sections: (1) Marketing Basics and (2) specific topics on International Marketing Management based on the referenced articles. The articles for the specific topics are…

Eva Hofmann and co-authors have recently published a paper on the relationship between tax auditors and taxpayers in Frontiers in Psychology

Eva Hofmann and co-authors have recently published a paper on the relationship between tax auditors and taxpayers in Frontiers in Psychology, for more see The relationship between Austrian tax…

IMM Study about Prosocial Purchasing Intentions: Donation to Newspaper AUGUSTIN

In April 2019, Katharina Dinhof, prae doc of the IMM Institute, ran a couple of laboratory studies. In the course of the latest study, participants had the chance to donate money to the tabloid…

Eva Hofmann, Barbara Hartl and Ann-Marie Ingrid Nienaber are currently editing a Reseach Topic in Frontiers

Eva Hofmann, Barbara Hartl and Ann-Marie Ingrid Nienaber are currently editing a Reseach Topic in Frontiers on the "Sharing Economy and the Issue of (Dis)Trust." The submission deadline is January 6,…

The Institute extends its Reach to South Africa

During a research visit to South Africa, Professor Schlegelmilch met with the leadership teams of the University of Stellenbosch Business School and Nelson Mandela University Business School to…

IMM Bachelor Thesis Information Event April 2019

Mag. Simbrunner will provide IMM students with general information on how to write a Bachelor Thesis with the IMM institute. In addition, he will introduce potential supervisors to the students. …