Here you can view summaries of selected studies and publications already completed by the Institute for Family Business:
Publication: "In the Aftermath of an Ethical Violation: Do Family Firms Suffer More Than Non-family Firms and Why?" (Bettina Nyffenegger, Kristen Madison, Maximilan Lude, Reinhard Prügl, Andreas Hack)
Publication: "Conceptualizing digitalization orientation as a strategic posture – How to boost the impact of digital technologies in businesses: A qualitative good practices approach" (Alexander Kessler, Hermann Frank, Elena Fuetsch)
Publication: "Born-again global internationalization in family businesses as a process: A dynamic capabilities perspective in the context of socioemotional wealth" (Alexander Kessler, Viktoriya Zipper-Weber)
Publication: "The enterpriseness of business families: Conceptualization, scale development and validation" (Hermann Frank, Alexander Kessler, Susanne Beck, Julia Suess-Reyes, Elena Fuetsch)
Publication: "The influence of familiness on decision-making quality in top management teams: The role of emotional dissonance and perceived team support" (Laura Hoekx, Frank Lambrechts, Pieter Vandekerkhof, Wim Voordeckers, Hermann Frank)
Publication: "What Drives Innovation in Family Farms? The Roles of Socioemotional Wealth and Diverse Information Sources" (Elena Fuetsch)
Publication: "Introducing the enterpriseness of business families: A research agenda" (Hermann Frank, Julia Suess-Reyes, Elena Fuetsch, Alexander Kessler)
Publication: “TMT diversity and innovation ambidexterity in family firms: The mediating role of open innovation breadth" (Irina Röd)
Publication: "Die Unternehmerfamilie im Kontext ihres Familienunternehmens" (Manfred Lueger, Hermann Frank, Christian Korunka, eds.)
Publication: "Innovation in Familienunternehmen. Good Practice-Fallanalysen aus Niederösterreich" (Reinhard Altenburger, Hermann Frank, Alexander Keßler, eds.)
Publication: "Principles for innovation management in family firms: An analysis of long-term successful good-practices with a practitioner validation of principles" (Hermann Frank, Alexander Kessler, Christine Bachner, Elena Fuetsch, Julia Suess-Reyes)
Publication: "Problematizing socioemotional wealth in family firms: a systems-theoretical reframing" (Rupert Hasenzagl, Isabella Hatak, Hermann Frank)
Publication: "Capturing the Familiness of Family Businesses: Development of the Family Influence Familiness Scale (FIFS)" (Hermann Frank, Alexander Kessler, Thomas Rusch, Julia Suess-Reyes, Daniela Weismeier-Sammer)
Publication: "Decreasing the effects of relationship conflict on family businesses: The moderating role of family climate" (Lavinia Nosé, Christian Korunka, Hermann Frank, Sharon Danes)
Publication: "Erfolgsfaktoren landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe in Niederösterreich" (Julia Süss-Reyes, Elena Fuetsch, Alexander Keßler, Hermann Frank)
Publication: "Research on innovation in family businesses: are we building an ivory tower?" (Elena Fuetsch, Julia Suess-Reyes)
Publication: "Understanding the transgenerational orientation of family businesses: the role of family governance and business family identity" (Julia Suess-Reyes)
Publication: "Conflict in Family Business in the Light of Systems Theory" (Arist von Schlippe, Hermann Frank)
Publication: "Disentangling the family firm’s innovation process: A systematic review" (Irina Röd)
Publication: "Intrapreneurship education in the dual education system" (Hermann Frank, Christian Korunka, Manfred Lueger, Daniela Weismeier-Sammer)
Publication: "Measuring socioemotional wealth in family-owned and -managed firms: A validation and short form of the FIBER Scale" (Jana Hauck, Julia Suess-Reyes, Susanne Beck, Reinhard Prügl, Hermann Frank)
Publication: "The future of family farming: A literature review on innovative, sustainable and succession-oriented strategies" (Julia Suess-Reyes, Elena Fuetsch)
Publication: "What makes entrepreneurship research interesting? Reflections on strategies to overcome the rigour–relevance gap" (Hermann Frank, Hans Landström)
Publication: "Zukunftssicherung für Familienunternehmen. Good Practice Fallanalysen zur Family Governance" (Manfred Lueger, Hermann Frank, eds.)
Publication: "Family governance–Literature review and the development of a conceptual model" (Julia Suess-Reyes)
Publication: "Succession in the family business: challenges for successors from an entrepreneurial perspective" (Daniela Weismeier-Sammer, Isabella Hatak)
Publication: "The role of familiness for family business innovativeness" (Daniela Weismeier-Sammer)
Publication: "Familienklima und Konflikte in Familienunternehmen: Eine empirische Analyse ihrer Erfolgswirkungen" (Lavinia Nosé, Christian Korunka, Hermann Frank, Daniela Suchy)
Publication: "Familiness: Der Einfluss der Familie auf das Unternehmen" (Julia Süss, Daniela Weismeier-Sammer)
Publication: "The Theory of Social Systems as a Framework for Understanding Family Businesses" (Arist von Schlippe, Hermann Frank)
Publication: "Untangling ‘familiness’ A literature review and directions for future research" (Daniela Weismeier-Sammer, Hermann Frank, Arist von Schlippe)
Publication: "Konfliktbearbeitung in Familienunternehmen: Eine qualitative Analyse" (Daniela Suchy, Manfred Lueger, Ulrike Froschauer, Lavinia Nosé)
Publication: "Konfliktbewältigung in Familienunternehmen" (Hermann Frank, Christian Korunka, Manfred Lueger, Eds.)
Publication: "The impact of market orientation on family firm performance" (Hermann Frank, Alexander Kessler, Christian Korunka)
Publication: "Wie erfolgreiche Familienbetriebe handeln – Good Practice Fallanalysen" (Manfred Lueger, Hermann Frank, eds.)
Publication: "Conflicts in family firms: state of the art and perspectives for future research" (Hermann Frank, Alexander Kessler, Lavinia Nosé, Daniela Suchy)
Publication: "Entrepreneurial behavior in family firms: A replication study" (Daniela Weismeier-Sammer)
Publication: "Erfolgsfaktoren österreichischer Familienunternehmen. Das Zusammenspiel von Familie und Unternehmen in Entscheidungsprozessen" (Hermann Frank, Christian Korunka, Manfred Lueger, eds.)
Publication: "The concept of "Familiness". Literature review and systems theory-based reflections" (Hermann Frank, Manfred Lueger, Lavinia Nosé, Daniela Suchy)
Study: Digitalisierung in Familienunternehmen: Eine Analyse des niederösterreichischen Produktionssektors (in German)
Study: Die Bedeutung von Unternehmerfamilien für die österreichische Wirtschaft (in German)
Study: Innovieren im Familienunternehmen – mit 11 Leitprinzipien zum Erfolg (in German)
Study: Agricultural family businesses in Lower Austria: How innovative, entrepreneurial and sustainable are they? (in German)
Study: Family Business Governance in Austria: Good Practice Case Studies (in German)
Study: The Measurement of Familiness: Capturing the development, manifestations and impacts of family influence (in German)
Study: Strategic behavior and success indicators of Family Businesses: a comparing analysis of Austrian Family- and Non-Family Businesses (in German)
Study: Market Orientation of Family Businesses (in German)
Study: Success indicators of Family Businesses (in German)
Study: Ambidexterity of Family Businesses (in German)