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E&I congratulates Dr. Philipp Topic for successfully completing his PhD

Mr. Topic’s research addresses the topic of self-selection in crowdsourcing contests. During his time at E&I, he also taught several classes on Bachelor and Master level, such as New Business…

Photo of Prof. Julie Elston

E&I welcomes new Fullbright-Hall Professor for Entrepreneurship

The E&I Institute is honored to welcome Prof. Julie Elston, the Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship at WU for the Summer Term 2019.

E&I Welcome Day

E&I admitted the 36th class of students to the SBWL as part of the E&I Welcome Day.

E&I publishes book on Social Online Learning

Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke, Dr. Rudolf Dömötör, Dr. Martin Finkenzeller and Vinzenz Treytl recently published a book with the title "Social Online Learning". This book incorporates state-of-the-art…

DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Entrepreneurship & Innovation

E&I is proud to announce that Stefan Bolzenius is awarded with the DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1847 as a society of scholars, the Austrian Academy of Sciences is…

Announcement of successful applications to the specialization

Applicants to the E&I specialization in the summer semester 2020 have been informed about the outcome of their application today via e-mail to their WU student account.

Thomas Pannermayr

Welcome Thomas Pannermayer

With the start of February, Thomas Pannermayer joined the E&I team as Researcher & Lecturer. Before joining the E&I team in 2020, Mr. Pannermayer worked in the consulting industry. Moreover, he…

Prof. Franke wins INFORMS TIMES Best Paper Award

Prof. Franke recently won a major paper award by one of the leading academic publishers

From zero to 2 million in 45 seconds?

The evening of the E&I Touchdown is dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as the successful interlinking of university and practice. The event is hosted by the Institute for…

Student job opportunities at E&I

Studienassistent gesucht / Looking for a student assistant

Admission to the specialization E&I

As of today, applications for the specialization at the E&I Institute will be accepted again. The application deadline is 02.02.2020 at 23:59.

Research and Waltz 2020

Vienna is widely known as the ‘City of Waltz’ and for its fancy balls in beautiful historical settings. Equally, the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is globally renowned as one of the…

E&I at the DRUID Academy 2020

Sophie Quach (E&I researcher and lecturer) is currently in Odense, Denmark to attend the DRUID Academy 2020. This academy addresses PhD students and aims to help them with the paper development…

Merry Christmas from the E&I Team

The whole team of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation wishes all of our students, project partners, coaches, and friends of our institute a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New…

WU honors E&I supporter Dr. Wilfried Stoll

On the 9th of December 2019, WU Vienna awarded Dr. Wilfried Stoll the title of ‘Ehrenkonsul der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien’. Dr. Stoll is the first person awarded with this highest non-academic honor…

Core Lecture 1 - Exam dates

Details of exam date and alternative exam date for the winter semester 2019/20

Call for Master thesis

How to attract the ‘right’ crowd in online innovation contests?

Better user innovators? New published E&I research on user innovation

Who are the “the right consumers” that should be integrated in new product development processes? Prior literature on this issue has discussed lead users (individuals with domain-specific competences)…

E&I Alumnus Paul Schmitzberger gets a 1,2 Mio. Dollar investment to grow shrimps in the desert

About a year ago E&I Alumnus Paul Schmitzberger co-founded the startup Blue Planet Ecosystems. The start-up is working on fully automated fish and seafood breeding systems, which combine biology,…

Find of the day: E&I research on YouTube

In their paper “See Paris and… found a business? The impact of cross-cultural experience on opportunity recognition capabilities”, Prof. Nikolaus Franke and Dr. Peter Vandor find that cross-cultural…

Call for Bachelor Theses at E&I

We are looking for students who want to write their bachelor thesis at E&I. We have put together a list of interesting topics for you to select. If none of these topics appeal to you, feel free to…

[Translate to English:] BBE fair

E&I at the BBE Specialization Fair

On the 31st of October, E&I participated in the Bachelor of Business and Economics (BBE) specialization fair held at WU’s Learning Center. The event allowed BBE students to learn more about the…

Guest researcher Prof. Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen at E&I

E&I welcomes Prof. Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen as a guest researcher at the E&I institute.

E&I at the CIE Symposium 2019

On the 26th of October, the CIE (Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship) Symposium was held at WU. The symposium was jointly organized by WU’s Department of Strategy and Innovation (Prof. Grabner,…

E&I at the Career Calling job fair

Yesterday Barbara Mehner and Sophie Quach represented the E&I institute at the Career Calling job fair at Messe Wien. The two of them conducted an interactive workshop and covered the topics of how to…

Prof. Franke's work exceeds 3000 citations in the Web of Science

Prof. Franke’s papers were cited more than 3.000 times according to data released by Web of Science.

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Prof. Franke gives keynote speech at Festo Lernzentrum

The Festo Lernzentrum Saar celebrated its 25th anniversary with the inauguration of the new learning factory today. In this context, the director of the E&I institute, Prof. Nikolaus Franke, gave a…

Congratulations to our newest E&I Ph.D. graduate

E&I congratulates Dr. Martin Finkenzeller for successfully completing his PhD studies! Mr. Finkenzeller’s research addresses the topic of social learning and in this context information sharing…

E&I Club Breakfast to start the new term

This morning the E&I Club welcomed E&I Students to the new semester with a breakfast. The E&I breakfast is one of the traditional get-togethers to strengthen the network between all students and the…

From Russia with Love (and Strategy and Innovation)

This summer, Richard Olbrecht (researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation) was part of the faculty team of the joint international summer university (ISU) in Russia.…

Start of the winter term

October 1st marks the beginning of the winter term. We welcome back all of our students and extend a warm welcome to the 84 bachelor students, including for the first time students from the BBE…

E&I at Damensache press conference

Last semester, E&I students developed a communication strategy for the start-up "Damensache", which offers consulting for women regarding their financial future. The interviews with about 500 young…

VHB Course in Hamburg

Ealier this month, Mariella Schultes attended the VHB course „Qualitative Research Methods” held at TU Hamburg. The course has expanded her qualitative methodological knowledge and provided her with…


Last week, E&I staff members Barbara Mehner and Shtefi Mladenovska attended the final conference of the STREAM project at CERN in Geneva, to present their preliminary research results and exchange…

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E&I at the TIE conference

Last week Sophie Quach attended the TIE-conference in Darmstadt, Germany. TIE stands for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and this year’s workshops and talks all took up these topics with a…

Annual E&I Institute Strategy Workshop

Once every year the whole E&I Team dedicates one and a half days to reflect the past year and strategically plan the next one ahead. This year the journey led to the beautiful Semmering region in…

Fieldtrip to the US

Professional MBA ‚Entrepreneurship & Innovation‘ explores hotspots of innovation and entrepreneurship in the US

Summer School at LSE

Many E&I researchers utilize the semester holidays to focus on their research and attend various conferences and workshops. From 29th of July to 16th of August, E&I Marie Curie PhD fellow Linn…

Research at Harvard Business School

Summer means holidays? Right :)  But for E&I faculty, this is also the perfect time to focus on research. That’s what Kathrin Reinsberger is currently doing. As a Visiting Scholar at the Laboratory…

Admission to the specialization E&I

As of today, applications for the specialization at the E&I Institute will be accepted again. The application deadline is 01.09.2019 at 23:59.

E&I at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2019

Kathrin Reinsberger and Klaus Marhold represented the E&I Institute at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management from August 9-13 in Boston, Massachusetts. The AoM Annual Meeting, attended…

Visit to Festo Didactic

E&I staff members Klaus Marhold, Shtefi Mladenovska and Caroline Fabian visited Festo Didactic, the world leader in technical education, in Denkendorf, Germany on the 30th of July to discuss ongoing…

E&I at the Open and User Innovation Conference 2019

The Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI) 2019 took place at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, from July 8- 10. OUI is widely regarded as the most important conference in the field of user…

Beyond Silicon Valley

E&I hosts research seminar on sharing ideas on supporting entrepreneurial ecosystems between Austria and Cleveland.

Call for Bachelor Theses at E&I

Interested in writing your bachelor theses at E&I?

Caroline Fabian

Welcome Caroline Fabian

Caroline Fabian joins E&I as a Research and Teaching Assistant

Klaus Marhold

Welcome Klaus Marhold

We welcome Klaus Marhold as a new Assistant Professor (NTT) at E&I

Shtefi Mladenovska

Welcome Shtefi Mladenvoska

We welcome Shtefi Mladenovska as a Research and Teaching Assistant

Join the team!

All details for our current job offerings ...