Archive News EMCEERSS

The Master Class CEE is “on the road” again

After the coronavirus stopped our travelling for two years, we resumed with the MC CEE 2022-23 our classic format including two field trips to cities in CEE. The first of our 4-day field trips led 23…

Master Class CEE Insight Talks

The “Insight Talks” provide an informal discussion platform with corporate partners of the Master Class CEE and other guests on the topic of the research seminar. Executives of three multinational…

"Innovative Africa” - Review

In previous panels the “doing business in Africa” approach, a pronounced “outside-in” perspective was guiding our discussions. This time we wanted to learn more about the local view. The aim of this…

The Grow East Congress 2022 in review

On November 21, 2022, the 13th Grow East Congress on "Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe in uncertain times" took place in a hybrid format, i.e. the speeches and discussions at the WKO…

„Innovation in International Business”

The Competence Center for Emerging Markets & CEE would like to invite you to an online book presentation "Innovation in International Business” on December 1, 18:00 - 19:30.

The new Master Class CEE 2022/23

24 students from 12 countries have successfully started the Master Class CEE 2022/23. Welcome!

"Globalization and Emerging Markets: A Win-Win Situation?” - Review

The Competence Center for Emerging Markets & CEE invited to an Emerging Markets Talk at the WU Campus. Read the full review here:

Central Europe Connect Summer Semester 2022

Central Europe Connect (CEC) is a Joint Certificate Program offered in cooperation by WU Vienna, EUBA Bratislava and SGH Warsaw. In the course of a semester, students spend one course week in each of…

Research report on „Labor and skills shortage in CEE: Causes, effects and responses by foreign direct investors

This report presents the findings of the research seminar of the Master Class CEE 2021-22. The aim of our study was to analyze the developments in the EU-CEE8 labor markets, the causes of labor and…

Congratulations to our new Master Class CEE graduates!

On June 14 we celebrated the successful completion of the MC CEE program of the cohort 2021-22. After three years we could celebrate again on the WU Campus. The event started with the presentation of…