International Network Management

The Competence Center takes an active role in several international WU networks, such as GBSN, Asea-Uninet and Africa-Uninet. Our goal is to strengthen WU’s international presence in these networks and expand cooperations with educational institutions worldwide through providing of funding information and network events and support of WU faculty and prospective researchers form emerging economies with research funding and scholarships.

The Global Business School Network (GBSN) is a nonprofit organization that partners with business schools, industry, foundations and aid agencies to improve access to quality, locally relevant management education for the developing world. Within the context of the emerging economies mission, GBSN builds activities, programs and projects that enable the creation of new knowledge, provide meaningful international experiences, and build relationships that can transform management education, as well as provide broad visibility to the member schools as a champion and change maker for economic and social development. As part of this network, our Center informs and supports colleagues at WU about relevant network activities and programs, promotes cooperation with other member universities and represents WU at the Annual Network Conference GBSN Beyond.

The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) is a network of universities, consisting of European and South-East Asian universities with the goal of promoting the continuous internationalization of education and research. ASEA-UNINET was founded in 1994 by universities from Austria, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam and today consists of more than 80 universities from 18 different countries. Every year more than 80 bilateral and multilateral ASEA-UNINET research projects are conducted. Furthermore, PhD and Post-Doc scholarships are granted to students and researchers. In this context, the Competence Center launched a new initiative in 2023 to strengthen cooperation between WU and universities in Southeast Asia. We are actively approaching WU researchers who hold a "Venia Docendi" (Habilitierte) and would like to supervise PhD students or young Post Docs from the region and supporting both sides – our WU colleagues and prospective researchers from Southeast Asia – during the application process. If this applies to you and you are interested, you can contact us at

The Austrian-African Research Network (Africa-UniNet) was initiated 2020 by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and launched by Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD-GmbH) in order to create a long-term, stable basis for cooperation between Austrian and African universities and research institutions. WU became a founding member of the network. Africa-UniNet promotes excellent research based on mutual knowledge exchange. It creates a space for international cooperation between researchers and with other actors by financing cooperative research projects. In this context, the Competence Center – in collaboration with our WU representative Prof. Jonas Bunte – informs  about relevant network activities and funding and supports cooperation with member universities from Africa.