Knowledge Hub

The Competence Center aims to amalgamate expertise in global regions with emerging economies (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America) and dedicated fields of expertise (competence areas) to foster dissemination and exchange, targeting both stakeholders within and outside WU. Thus, the Center's key objective is to bundle WU's expertise in the content domain of emerging economies and CEE.

The Center has associated members across WU’s departments, considering regular dialogue with them an important prerequisite for successful collaboration. This supports the bundling of cutting-edge expertise and feeds into the continuous evolvement of the Center’s thematic scope. As the Knowledge Hub for emerging markets and CEE, the Center surfaces synergies within the WU community, comprising a multitude of stakeholders in Austria, emerging economies, and the CEE region. These include scholars, practitioners, national and international organizations and institutions, corporate partners, NGOs and NPOs as well as supranational organizations.

The following sections detail the regional expertise of the Center's associated members as well as their dedicated competence areas.