Teaching & Research

In research and teaching, the Competence Centre primarily assumes a coordinating role and attempts to support the WU faculty in research and teaching activities related to emerging economies and CEE.   

The Center's research engagement focuses on the following activities:

  • Supporting associated members’ research with a focus on emerging economies and CEE

    • Networking among scholars at WU and with partners outside

    • Coordinating support in the search for and acquisition of research funding

    • Supporting grant applications by consolidating emerging economies and CEE expertise at WU

  • Serving as a Second Hub for PhD students from emerging economies

    • Identifying PhD students at WU engaging in emerging economies research or originating from emerging economies themselves

    • Creating an exchange and networking platform for these students

    • Coordinating and supporting role in addition to departments   

  • Monitoring (research) funding opportunities

    • Identifying funding opportunities relates to emerging economies and CEE

    • Supporting WU faculty in their search for funding programs with a focus on emerging economies and CEE

The Center's teaching engagement comprises the following activities:

  • Implementing domain-specific teaching programs, such as the Master Class CEE

  • Monitoring WU’s course offering focused on emerging economies and CEE