Archive News EMCEERSS

Video-Interview with Prof. Robert Mudida

Robert Mudida, the key note speaker at a joint event of the Competence Center and CorporAID, on the challenges for European firms of doing business in Africa

Master Class CEE

Apply for the compact and practice-oriented complementary study program for CEE management until October 19, 2017! The program addresses WU students at the master or doctoral level.

A Decade of Excellence: Research on Emerging Markets - available free until 29 September 2017

A virtual special issue on ‘A Decade of Excellence: Research on Emerging Markets Best Cited Articles of IJoEM’ is available to access free, from today for one month until 29 September 2017

Russia - Latest Research Insights

Responding to the crisis - the lastest issue of the Journal of East-West Business surveys current strategic actions of Russian manufacturing subsidiaries of Western multinational corporation.

Indian Economic Policy

This week’s cover features India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, who is often lauded for overseeing the world’s fastest-growing large economy.

Just released: The Africa Competitiveness Report 2017

Without urgent action to address low levels of competitiveness, Africa’s economies will not create enough jobs for the young people entering the job market. If current policies remain unchanged, fewer…

New Publication

New Publication

Integrating distance research with the behavioral strategy literature on MNC headquarters-subsidiary relations, this paper explores how the distance between headquarters and subsidiaries relates to…

McKinsey Global Institute: How to counter three threats to growth in Latin America

Declining fertility rates, the end of the commodity-price boom, and risk of increased protectionism threaten Latin America's growth performance.

Invitation to panel discussion: “US Tax Reform: Realizing the Dream or Europe’s Worst Nightmare!”

Bob Stack (Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, International Tax Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury) will be participating in a panel debate on the 30th of March at WU.