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News archive VWLRSS

Studie von Jesús Crespo Cuaresma und Talis Tebecis

Nur ein Viertel der Emissionsreduktion in Österreich auf Klimapolitik zurückzuführen

Prof. Alon Eizenberg: Seminar on "Green Subsidies and Information Provision in the Automobile Market"

Seminar on February 25th, 2025, 4:30 pm, Room D4.2.008

Klaus Prettner über die Gründe und die Konsequenzen der sinkenden Produktivität in Österreich

nachzulesen unter: "Das Problem mit der Produktivität" (Die Presse, Samstag, 1. Februar 2025)

Apply now to the PhD Economics Programm for the coming academic year

Online application is possible until February 19th. For more info see: Teaching and Research Associate (job ID 2301)

Rückblick auf herausragende Forschungsleistungen im Jahr 2023

Übersicht der prämierten Forschungsleistungen und der ausgezeichneten Forscher*innen.

Felbermayr: Der Freihandel hat fertig – Wie die neue Welt(un)ordnung unseren Wohlstand bedroht

Beim Vortrag an der WU Wien zeigte Gabriel Felbermayr, wie Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz in Zeiten globaler Krisen ihren Wohlstand bewahren können.

Gaspreisbremse: Was Österreich von Deutschland lernen kann

Gaspreisbremse in Deutschland erhöhte Gaspreise

6th NOeG WU Winter Workshop

18th to 19th December 2024, WU Vienna

Der Freihandel hat fertig

18.12.2024 "Wie die neue Welt(un)ordnung unseren Wohlstand gefährdet", Library & Learning Center Festsaal 1, WU Wien, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr

Herzlich Willkommen Ana Paula Loncar

Neue Unterstützung im Admin-Team

Klaus Gugler: "Vergleichen lohnt sich"

Stromkosten steigen: Auslaufende Maßnahmen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Verbraucher

2nd Vienna Applied Micro Economics Workshop

Highlight from the workshop. Thanks to Pedro Martins and all presenters!

Jesús Crespo Cuaresma, Stanford/Elseviers "World’s Top 2% Scientists"

Jesús Crespo Cuaresma, im Full-Career-Ranking und auch im Single-Year-Impact-Ranking. Zu den Single-Year-Impact Top 2% zählt auch Klaus Prettner.

Trauer um em.o. Univ.-Prof. J. Hanns Pichler

Das Department of Economics trauert um em.o. Univ.-Prof. Dkfm. Dr. Dr.h.c. J. Hanns Pichler, M.Sc., der am Montag, 7. Oktober 2024, verstorben ist.  Prof. Pichler war bis zu seiner Emeritierung im…

Welcome Event for the new members of the Department of Economics

Jonathan Fitter, Nicolas Göller, Maximilian Heinze and Sannah Tijani - PhD programme, Kentaro Asai, Federica Braccioli, Davide Cerruti, Shahroo Malik, Bernhard Schmidpeter and Nina Xue - Assistant…

Habilitation lecture and colloquium: Dr. Philipp Heimberger

October 21, 2024, at 10.30 a.m., D4, D4.2.008

Einladung: Wettbewerb, Fairness und Wandel

18. November 2024, 10:00 - 17:15 Uhr, WU Wien, Gebäude LC, Festsaal 1


Meet Our Researchter 2024 - Florian SZÜCS

Herzlich Willkommen Lara Blasbichler

Neue Unterstützung im Admin-Team

Defensio Dissertationis of Julian Joseph (IIASA)

„The Impacts and potentials of foreign investment and trade on Sub-Saharan African Agriculture“, Tuesday, October 1, at 12.15, seminar room D4.0.144

Defensio Dissertationis of Marcel Barmeier (OeNB)

„Unconventional monetary policy: Evaluating its impact on profitability, lending and risk-taking of banks“

Defensio Dissertationis of Nikolas Kuschnig: 9.07.2024, 17:00, D4.2008

„Essays on Econometric Methods for Issues in Environmental Economics“

Workshop on Residential Housing

Discussing Challenges and Opportunities in Housing Markets

Defensio Dissertationis of Melanie Gräser: 5.07.2024, 15:00, D4.2.008.

„Essays in Development Economics“

The winner of the Hanns Abele Prize 2024

Philipp Poyntner, PhD for his thesis "Essays on monetary policy"

Defensio Dissertationis of Severin Rapp: 29.05.2024, 10:30| D4.1.001.

"Perspectives on the distribution of wealth - concepts, data and perceptions"

Talis Tebecis Wins TALENTA Award 2024 for Master’s Thesis

Excellent master’s thesis titled ‘Have climate policies been effective in Austria? A reverse causal analysis’.

Welcome our visiting researcher KLAUS ACKERMANN

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia

CEFER Challenge 2024: Extraordinary performance of the students of our Master program

Two teams of students from the master program have achieved remarkable success in the 2024 CEFER Challenge hosted by the Lithuanian Central Bank.

Lecture Series: Monetary Policy and the Financial Sector

Guillaume Rocheteau “When Money Dies: The Dynamics of Speculative Hyperinflations” 29.05.2024, 10:30 – 12:00 a.m.

Hanns Abele Prize 2024

It was a firm conviction of Hanns Abele, late professor of economics at WU Vienna, that good economic policy has to rest on solid scientific foundations. To support young PostDoc researchers who work…

Defensio Dissertationis of Elisabeth Wurm

Friday, April 19th, 2024 at 10:00

Prof. Markus Jäntti (Stockholm University) is visiting the Department of Economics

It’s a pleasure to announce, that Prof. Markus Jäntti from Stockholm University is visiting our Department and the INEQ research institute this week (April 15th - April 19th).

QS World University Ranking by Subject 2024

We are ranked 91st in the world’s top 560 for Economics and Econometrics.

Moritz Schularick (IfW) "Geoeconomics in the 21st Century"

We had the pleasure to hear Moritz Schularick (IfW) at the WU Department of Economics talking about Geoeconomics in the 21st Century. From strategic economic policy to the impact of sanctions - an…

Welcome Simon Heß

Simon Heß has started his position as assistant professors for development economics. Prior to joining WU, Simon held positions at Uni Wien, and the Goethe University Frankfurt. His research focuses…

Defensio Dissertationis of Oscar Fernandez

Friday, March 15, 2024 at 11:00

Public Lecture: Geoeconomics in the 21st Century"

Moritz Schularick (IfW) delivers a public lecture on "Geoeconomics in the 21st Century" on March 19, 2024, at 3:30 PM in the EA Foyer of the WU Campus

Presentation of the World Bank report "The Future of Work: Implications for Equity and Growth in Europe"

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the engaging discussion on the future of work at the WU Vienna! Insightful contributions were made by Robert Holzmann (OeNB), Leonardo Lacovone and Iván Torre…

CANCELED!!!!!! Public Lecture, Moritz Schularick (IfW): Geoeconomics in the 21st Century

March 5, 2024 at 12:00, at the EA Foyer of the WU Campus

Invitation to the doctoral defense of Atanas Pekanov

Tuesday, 05.03.2024, 16:30, seminar room TC 3.08

JOIN OUR TEAM - 5 Teaching and Research Associates

WU is offering up to five PhD positions in Economics, to start in September 2024.

The Future of Work: Implications for Equity and Growth in Europe

Round table discussion: Ana Abeliansky, Robert Holzmann and Eva Landrichtinger, moderated by Andras Szigetvari

Welcome Regina Mailänder, the new Teaching Coordinator

The new teaching coordinator for the bachelor’s programs

24.01.2024 Luigi Federico Signorini "Money, Credit and Disinflation"

Lecture Series: Monetary Policy and the Financial Sector

Congratulations, Pia Heckl!

„Essays on Gender in the Labor Market“

Prof. Sebastian Rausch (University of Heidelberg) 20.11 - 24. 11. 2023

Applied Equilibrium Analysis in Environmental and Energy Economics