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Workshop on Residential Housing


Discussing Challenges and Opportunities in Housing Markets

Housing is special - it's both an investment and a consumption good, a necessity and thus a market everyone - in one way or another - is participating in, a market characterized by search frictions, price volatility and highly heterogeneous goods fixed in space. As diverse as the functions of housing and characteristics of housing markets were the contributions to the 3rd Workshop on Residential Housing Markets - A Market in Distress and Potential Solutions that took place on the 26th and 27th of June 2024 at WU.

Organised by Anja Hahn, Sanela Omerovic and Sofie Waltl this workshop attracted a broad range of researchers from around the world presenting their latest research projects

In her keynote lecture Prof. Helen Bao (University of Cambridge) discussed the current understanding of discrimination on rental markets. In a fishbowl discussion moderated by Sofie Waltl, economist Mariona Segu and the lawyer Georg Harer discussed the nuisance of vacancy as well as opportunities and challenges that come with vacancy taxes and further market tools aimed to minimizing vacancy in housing markets. 

Further topics discussed touched upon issues regarding monetary policy, house price inflation, measurement challenges and experimental studies in a housing context.

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