Außenansicht der Executive Academy

Global Resource Use

The research group “Global Resource Use” (GRU) is one of the leading groups worldwide in quantifying society’s use of natural resources and its consequences. Operating in a worldwide network of around 80 partner institutions, GRU is working at the cutting edge of ongoing sustainability debates to better inform policy makers in their design of policy options for a sustainable future. Natural resources like raw materials, land or water are the basis for our society and economy. However, the way we currently use these resources is causing severe ecological impacts, contributing to the planetary crisis, including climate change and biodiversity loss. To meet our sustainability goals, we need to drastically reduce resource use. But how can we get there?

First, we need data and tools to quantify and monitor the use of natural resources by products, economic sectors and countries. Our research group wWe develops methods to assess for the spatially explicit assessment of resource flows along international supply chains. This allows us to and trace commodities from the location of resource extraction, e.g. a mine or a crop field, all the way to the final consumers. We also study the environmental impacts such as deforestation associated with international trade. and related environmental and social impacts from the location of production to distant consumers (see the ERC project FINEPRINT). By that means, we are able to identify hotspot sectors, products and consumption areas where action is needed most to prevent or mitigate environmental impactssupport a transition towards a low-carbon circular economy. To promote empirical assessments and international policy processes, we maintain UN Environment’s Global Raw Material Flows Database and consult the OECD in its attempt to harmonize methodologies on consumption-based resource accounting. Moreover, we inform sustainability policy makers and the interested public byBy providing state-of-the-art onlinevisualisation tools, analytics and visulatisations, such as and SCP-HAT. Our data and tools allow to monitor progress towards the realization of the UN SDGs as well as towe support the design of target-oriented policies and the transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon future.

Want to learn more/get started? Visit our website

Check out our online tools to learn more about global flows of raw materials or to analyse hotspots of unsustainable consumption and production.



Rese­arch Group Leader


Learn more about our ongoing projects, publications, data, models, and tools on our website