Außenansicht der Executive Academy

Welcome to the Institute for Ecological EconomicsRSS

Retreat Ecological Economics 2024

Ecological economics recognises that the economy is an integral part of both society and the biophysical realm. Consequently, the study of economic activities requires interdisciplinary collaboration. Our efforts are dedicated to addressing critical environmental and social issues, with the aim of promoting sustainability, enhancing human flourishing and ensuring justice. Founded in 2014, the Institute for Ecological Economics has since become a leading centre for research, education, knowledge dissemination and engagement in the field of ecological economics.

Our research is grouped around five overarching topics: Decent living within Earth System Boundaries, Energy Transition, Global Resource Use, Climate Economics and Finance and Globalisation and Trade.

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Fotocredit HBF/Lechner

Sigrid Stagl guest of honour at Opera Ball

Sigrid Stagl was the guest of honour of President van der Bellen and his wife Doris Schmidauer at this year's Opera Ball.We had an interesting conversation and it was a very special experience. Thank…


Offener Brief - Klimawandel als integrierter Bestandteil der Wirtschaftspolitik

Offener Brief - Klimawandel als integrierter Bestandteil der Wirtschaftspolitik

Sigrid Stagl

Sigrid Stagl awarded Austrian Scientist of the Year 2024

Sigrid Stagl was awarded Austrian Scientist of the Year 2024 for her contributions to the public discourse on sustainability and climate protection in Austria! Link to Science ORF