LUTTER Stephan, Dr. MMSc.
Stephan LUTTER
Research Associate, Post Doc.
Research Interest
Ecological Economics
Industrial Ecology
Environmental Accounting
Water accounting
Global Responsibility
Current Projects
Recent Publications
Malik, A., Lenzen, M., Li, M., Mora, C., Carter, S., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Gómez-Paredes, J., 2024. Polarizing and equalizing trends in international trade and Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustainability, 1–12. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-024-01397-5.
Ozcelik, N., Rodríguez, M., Sartal, A., Lutter, S., 2024. Taking away the economic “water productivity” illusion: An indicator inapt to inform meaningful water policies. Ecological Indicators 165. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112220
Moura, A., Lutter, S., Siefert, C.A.C., Netto, N.D., Nascimento, J.A.S., Castro, F., 2021. Estimating water input in the mining industry in Brazil: A methodological proposal in a data-scarce context. The Extractive Industries and Society 8 (2), 101015. 10.1016/j.exis.2021.101015
Lenzen, M., Geschke, A., West, J., Fry, J., Malik, A., Giljum, S., Milà i Canals, L., Piñero, P., Lutter, S., Wiedmann, T., Li, M., Sevenster, M., Potočnik, J., Teixeira, I., van Voore, M., Nansai, K., Schandl, H., 2021. Implementing the material footprint to measure progress towards Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12. Nat Sustain 112, 6271. 10.1038/s41893-021-00811-6
Ozcelik, N., Rodriguez, M., Lutter, S., Sartal, A., 2021. Indicating the wrong track? A critical appraisal of water productivity as an indicator to inform water efficiency policies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 168. 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105452.
West, J., Lieber, M., Lutter, S., Schandl, H., 2020. Proposal for a new compilation system for metal ores in economy wide material flow accounting. J Ind Ecol. 10.1111/jiec.13015.
Tost, M., Hitch, M., Lutter, S., Feiel, S., Moser, P., 2020. Carbon prices for meeting the Paris agreement and their impact on key metals. The Extractive Industries and Society 7 (2), 593–599. 10.1016/j.exis.2020.01.012.
Tost, M., Murguia, D., Hitch, M., Lutter, S., Luckeneder, S., Feiel, S., Moser, P., 2019. Ecosystem services costs of metal mining and pressures on biomes. The Extractive Industries and Society. 10.1016/j.exis.2019.11.013.
IRP, 2019. Global Resources Outlook 2019: Natural Resources for the Future We Want. Oberle, B., Bringezu, S., Hatfield-Dodds, S., Hellweg, S., Schandl, H., Clement, J., and Cabernard, L., Che, N., Chen, D., Droz-Georget , H., Ekins, P., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Flörke, M., Frank, S., Froemelt , A., Geschke, A., Haupt , M., Havlik, P., Hüfner, R., Lenzen, M., Lieber, M., Liu, B., Lu, Y., Lutter, S., Mehr , J., Miatto, A., Newth, D., Oberschelp , C., Obersteiner, M., Pfister, S., Piccoli, E., Schaldach, R., Schüngel, J., Sonderegger, T., Sudheshwar, A., Tanikawa, H., van der Voet, E., Walker, C., West, J., Wang, Z., Zhu, B. A Report of the International Resource Panel. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.
Lutter, S., Giljum, S., Luckeneder, S., 2019. An update of demand-based material flow data using the new OECD ICIO database and benchmarking with national data from selected countries. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris.
Settanni, E., Srai, J.S., Lutter, S., 2019. Can Input-Output Data Inform Agri-food Supply Network Reconfiguration? The Case of Water-Intensive Crop Production in Developing Economies. 23rd Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, 2019, Cambridge.
Giljum S., Wieland H., Lutter S., Eisenmenger N., Schandl H., Owen A. 2019. The impacts of data deviations between MRIO models on material footprints: A comparison of EXIOBASE, Eora, and ICIO. Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12833
Lutter, S. , Giljum, S., Gözet, B., Wieland, H., Manstein, C. 2018. The Use of Natural Resources – Report for Germany 2018. German Environment Agency. Dessau-Roßlau.
Tost, M., Bayer, B., Hitch, M., Lutter, S., Moser, P., Feiel, S., 2018. Metal Mining’s Environmental Pressures: A Review and Updated Estimates on CO2 Emissions, Water Use, and Land Requirements. Sustainability, 10(8), 2881;
Wood, R., Stadler, K., Simas, M., Bulavskaya, T., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Tukker, A., 2018. Growth in environmental footprints and environmental impacts embodied in trade: Implications for resource efficiency. Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12735.
Tukker, A., Koning, A., Owen, A., Lutter, S., Bruckner, M., Giljum, S., Stadler, K., Wood, R., Hoekstra, R., 2018. Towards Robust, Authoritative Assessments of Environmental Impacts Embodied in Trade: Current State and Recommendations. Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12716.
Giljum, S., Bruckner, M., Lutter, S. 2018. Resource footprints. In: Routledge Handbook of the Resource Nexus. Editor: Raimund Bleischwitz, Holger Hoff, Catalina Spataru, Ester van der Voet, and Stacy D. VanDeveer, 93-104. Oxon: Routledge.
Stadler, K., Wood, R., Bulavskaya, T., Södersten, C.-J., Simas, M., Schmidt, S., Usubiaga, A., Acosta-Fernández, J., Kuenen, J., Bruckner, M., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Merciai, S., Schmidt, J.H., Theurl, M.C., Plutzar, C., Kastner, T., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K.-H., de Koning, A., Tukker, A., 2018. EXIOBASE 3: Developing a Time Series of Detailed Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables. Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12303.
Lutter, Franz Stephan, Giljum, Stefan, Bruckner, Martin. 2017. Data, Indicators and Targets for Comprehensive Resource Policies. In: Factor X. Challenges, Implementation, Strategies and Examples for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Hrsg. Harry Lehmann, Factor X/10 Club, 45-70. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Bruckner, M., 2017. Measuring Natural Resource Use from the Micro to the Macro Level, in: Shmelev, S. (Ed.), Green Economy Reader. Lectures in Ecological Economics and Sustainability. Springer, Berlin, pp. 161-182.
Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Bruckner, M., Wieland, H., Eisenmenger, N., Wiedenhofer, D., Schandl, H., 2017. Empirical assessment of the OECD Inter-Country Input-Output database to calculate demand-based material flows. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris.
Lutter, S. and Sausgruber, R. 2016. Umweltökonomischer Teil. In: Vorschläge zur Einhebung von Wassergebühren im Lichte des Art 9 WRRL, Hrsg. Umweltdachverband, S. 203-243. Wien: Schriftenreihe Recht der Umwelt.
Lutter, S. , Giljum, S., Lieber, M., Manstein, C. 2016. The Use of Natural Resources – Report for Germany 2016. German Environment Agency. Dessau-Roßlau.
Tukker, A., Bulavskaya, T., Giljum, S., de Koning, A., Lutter, S., Simas, M., Stadler, K., Wood, R., 2016. Environmental and resource footprints in a global context: Europe’s structural deficit in resource endowments. Global Environmental Change 40, 171-181.
Giljum, S., Wieland, H., Lutter, S., Bruckner, M., Wood, R., Tukker, A., Stadler, K., 2016. Identifying priority areas for European resource policies: a MRIO-based material footprint assessment. Journal of Economic Structures 5, 1-24.
Lutter, S., Pfister, S., Giljum, S., Wieland, H., Mutel, C.2016. Spatially explicit assessment of water embodied in European trade: A product-level multi-regional input-output analysis. Global Environmental Change 38 S. 171-182.
Lutter, S., Giljum, S., Bruckner, M. 2016. A review and comparative assessment of existing approaches to calculate material footprints. Ecological Economics 127 S. 1-10.
Eisenmenger, N., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Marques, A., Theurl, M.C., Pereira, H.M., Tukker, A., 2016. Towards a conceptual framework for social-ecological systems integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services with resource efficiency indicators. Sustainability 2016, 8, 201-216.
Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Bruckner, M., 2015. Ressourcennutzung und Ressourcenproduktivität im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, in: Luks, F. (Ed.), Rethink Economy. Perspektivenvielfalt in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung - Beispiele aus der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Oekom, München.
Giljum, S., Wieland, H., Lutter, S., Eisenmenger, N., Wiedenhofer, D., Schaffartzik, A., Schandl, H., West, J., 2015. An empirical assessment comparing input-output-based and hybrid methodologies to measure demand-based material flows. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Environment Directorate, Paris.
Giljum, S., Lutter, S. 2015. Globaler Ressourcenkonsum: Die Welt auf dem Weg in eine "Green Economy"? Geografische Rundschau 5 / 2015: 10-15.
Wood, R., Stadler, K., Bulavskaya, T., Lutter, S., Giljum, S., de Koning, A., Kuenen, J., Schütz, H., Acosta-Fernández, J., Usubiaga, A., 2015. Global Sustainability Accounting—Developing EXIOBASE for Multi-Regional Footprint Analysis. Sustainability 7, 138-163.
Giljum, S., Dittrich, M., Lieber, M., Lutter, S., 2014. Global patterns of material flows and their socio-economic and environmental implications: a MFA study on all countries world-wide from 1980 to 2009. Resources.
Lutter, S. 2014. Virtuelle Wasserressourcen – warum wir nicht nur “unser” Wasser nutzen. In: Europa Info, Magazin zur EU-Umweltpolitik 1/14, 3-4.
Tukker, A., Bulavskaya, T., Giljum, S., de Koning, A., Lutter, S., Simas, M., Stadler, K., Wood, R., 2014. The Global Resource Footprint of Nations. Carbon, water, land and materials embodied in trade and final consumption calculated with EXIOBASE 2.1, Leiden/Delft/Vienna/Trondheim.