Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge ManagementRSS

Business- and technology-driven innovations require formal concepts, models and techniques towards their realization. The Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management conducts research in this area with a specific focus on business process management, knowledge management, decision support systems, and the semantic web. 

The Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management is part of the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Current job advertisement (2204): Assistant Professor, non-tenure track

You want to participate in Austria's largest joint project on fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and contribute to WU Vienna’s vision on boosting AI? You want to understand how things are…

Guest Talk "Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs & Search Engines: A Crossroads for Answering Users' Questions"

Aidan Hogan  Date/Time: 04.09.2024, 11:30  Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  Much has been discussed recently about how Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs & Search Engines can be combined to…

Guest Talk "The Coherence of US Cities"

The next talk on the invited research talks series will be given by Simone Daniotti [1], a PhD candidate from Complexity Science Hub (CSH) Vienna.  ****** Title: The Coherence of US Cities …

Guest Talk "Application of Symbolic and Neuro-Symbolic AI"

The next talk on the invited research talks series will feature Raghava Mutharaju [1], an Associate Professor from IIIT Delhi - India, who is currently on a research visit at our Institute. He got his…

Guest Talk "Harnessing the Power of Large Language Models: Benchmarks, Biases, and Applications"

Sanju Tiwari  Date/Time: 05.06.2024, 12:00 Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  Large Language Models have presented an impressive performance and have become fundamental in real-world applications.…

Guest Talk "LOT4KG: A Joint Methodology for the Ontology and Knowledge Graph Lifecycle"

Romana Pernisch  Date/Time: 08.05.2024, 12:00-13:00  Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  Knowledge Graphs (KG), composed of semantically annotated data and description logic definitions provided by…

Guest Talk "A Semantic Encoding for the Specification of the Object Centric Event Data (OCED) Meta-model"

Saba Latif  Date/Time: 24.04.2024, 12:00  Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  Process mining is the discipline aimed at extracting, elaborating, and enhancing knowledge of business processes from event…

Thesis Topics SS 2024

Dear students, We have now published the new thesis topics for the summer semester on  If you are interested in writing a thesis…

Guest Talk "Transparent Natural Language Understanding"

Gábor Recski  Date/Time: 13.03.2024, 12:00-13:00  Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  Transformer-based deep learning models have become the most commonly used tool in natural language processing (NLP).…

Aktuelle Stellenausschreibung (2033): Wissenschaftlicher Projektmitarbeiter*in

Wissenschaftlicher Projektmitarbeiter*in Sie möchten Zusammenhänge verstehen und Grundlegendes bewegen? Bei uns finden Sie das Umfeld, in dem Sie Ihr Potenzial entfalten können. An einer der größten…