Open Source Projects

uComp Protégé Human Computation Plugin

A GWAP Plugin for the validation of ontologies for the Protégé Ontology Editor. The plugin facilitates the integration of typical crowdsourcing tasks into ontology engineering from within the Protégé ontology editor. The goal is a reduction of the cost of validation, as well as scalability and reductions in working time.

Gerhard Wohlgenannt, Florian Hanika, Marta Sabou, Matyas Karacsonyi

Status: completed


MINERful is a Java-based tool for the automated discovery of declarative process models, out of event logs recorded by business process management systems. It is known to be the fastest declarative process miner currently existing in the literature. MINERful comes bundled with three additional modules: a generator of synthetic event logs of arbitrary size, given a process model in input; a synthetic injector of noise in synthetic event logs; a simplification engine, aimed at reducing the size of process models by removing irrelevant information.

For further information:

C. Di Ciccio, M. Mecella: On the Discovery of Declarative Control Flows for Artful Processes. ACM Trans. Management Inf. Syst. (TMIS) 5(4):24:1-24:37 (2015).

C. Di Ciccio, M.L. Bernardi, M. Cimitile, F.M. Maggi: Generating Event Logs Through the Simulation of Declare Models. EOMAS@CAiSE 2015:20-36.

C. Di Ciccio, F.M. Maggi, M. Montali, J. Mendling: Ensuring Model Consistency in Declarative Process Discovery. BPM 2015:144-159. (awarded as Best Paper at BPM 2015, Innsbruck, Austria)

Claudio Di Ciccio, WU Vienna; Saimir Bala, WU Vienna


The "CSV Engine" is a web server offering a set of services to handle and process CSV files. One of the main feature in the current version is an editor to create an initial version of the CSV on the Web metadata standard file.

Jürgen Umbrich, Sebastian Neumaier, Nina Mrzelj (internship), Manuel Undesser( Bachelor thesis)

Status: active developement

Open Data Portal Watch

The Open Data Portal Watch framework is a monitoring and quality assessment framework for Open Data Portals. Currently, we are monitoring 260 Open Data portals in a weekly basis and assess their metadata quality along 5 dimensions and 19 metrics.


Jürgen Umbrich, Sebastian Neumaier, Daniel Huber, Matthias Blaim (bachelor thesis)

Status: active development

CSV on the Web metadata parser and validator (python)

A python parser for the CSV on the Web metadata specification

Sebastian Neumaier

Status: active development