Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge ManagementRSS

Business- and technology-driven innovations require formal concepts, models and techniques towards their realization. The Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management conducts research in this area with a specific focus on business process management, knowledge management, decision support systems, and the semantic web. 

The Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management is part of the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Guest Talk "Handling Flexibility and Resources in Business Processes on the Example of the Last Mile Delivery"

Luise Pufahl  Date/Time: 14.08.2019, 14:00 Uhr  Location: D2.2.094  Abstract  The growing online shopping market has led to an enormous increase in parcel deliveries. The delivery of parcels at…

Guest Talk "Inspired and Effective: The Role of the Ideal Self in Well Being, Job Engagement and Positive Organizational Behaviors"

Our group "Knowledge Based Management" ( cordially invites you to a guest lecture by Prof. Hector Martinez from the INCAE Business School in Costa Rica.  INCAE works closely with Harvard…

Current job advertisement: Teaching and Research Associate

We are currently inviting applications for a Teaching and Research Associate Part-time, 30 hours/week Further information on this position and the application process can be found on the following…

BPM 2019

From September 1 to September 6 Vienna (Austria) will be hosting the 17th edition of the BPM conference, the most prestigious forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of Business Process…

Thesis Topics SS 2019

We have now published the new thesis topics for the summer semester on . If you are interested in writing a thesis with us, you need to…

Austrian Computer Science Day 2019

The Austrian Computer Science Day ("Österreichischer Informatiktag") - ACSD2019 will take place on June 3rd at WU. ACSD is an annual assembly that brings together computer scientists across Austria…

Prozesse der Zukunft: Wie sich aus Unsicherheit lernen lässt

Mit diesem aktuellen Thema eröffnen Prof. Alexander Kaiser und Prof. Jan Mendling am 23. Jänner 2017, 18:00, die neue WU Vortragsreihe "Public Lectures der Departments". Ort: WU Wien, LC, Festsaal 1…