Blick in das LC Gebäude

Cost - Benefit Indicators of Gender-Sensitive Measures in Companies

Starting point of this project is the development of a cost -benefit model of gender-sensitive measures in technologic and research-intensive organizations.

The relationship between these measures and the hence resulting causes for creativity and innovation, which are relevant and essential factors for these organizations, are mainly explored.

At first creativity and excellency are operationalized to analyze the relationship between these dimensions and the establishment of gender-sensitive measures.

The method was based on an extensive empirical investigation by online questionnaire and expert interviews concerning the status quo, the expectations and attitudes in suitable organizations.

As a result indicators were identified describing the relation between innovation capability and gender-sensitive measures.

Project leader: DI Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger

Junior Researcher: Mag. Thomas Köllen

Contractor: Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft

Duration: 8 months