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Change Agents for Sustainability

Prof. Franzisca Weder and her team just published the final report of their analysis of the jobmarket for sustainability and DEI managers, their (self-defined) role in organizational and corporate…

The appreciation test: artificial communication in the light of evolution

A thought leadership essay by Jens Seiffert-Brockmann, published for the International Public Relations Association.

A Night of Research

The Long Night of Research provides its visitors with the possibility to learn more about research carried out at WU, and it provides us as researchers with the possibility to talk about our projects,…

ABC awards for Ursula Lutzky

Ursula Lutzky received two prestigious awards at the 88th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication, which was held from October 25 to 28, 2023, in Denver (USA):

New publication in paperback

Dr. Ursula Lutzky’s book The Discourse of Customer Service Tweets. Planes, Trains and Automated Text Analysis (Bloomsbury, 2021) has now also been published in paperback and is available here:…

New publication on online discussions of consumer debt

Dr. Ursula Lutzky has published the article "'Sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time': Investigating online discussions of consumer debt" with colleagues from Birmingham City University,…

Dr. Ursula Lutzky opened the Regional Conference of the Association for Business Communication 2023

In January 2023, the Regional Conference of the Association for Business Communication was held in Naples, Italy. The conference explored the topic “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business…

Dr. Ursula Lutzky is recipient of recognition award from the Dr. Maria Schaumayer Foundation for her habilitation

Dr. Ursula Lutzky is recipient of recognition award from the Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftung for her habilitation. We warmly congratulate her on the award!

Impressions from the Kick Off of the Master "Business Communication"

On September 30., 2022, we held the very first event of the academic year 2022/2023. Thanks to everyone who participated for the great start of the master!

EUPRERA 23rd Annual Congress at WU and Vienna University

Together with the Corporate Communication Research Group, we co-hosted the EUPRERA 23rd Annual Congress from September 21. to  September 24, 2022. Thanks you to everyone who presented, joined and…