[Translate to English:] Institut für Kommunikationsmanagement und Medien

Change Agents for Sustainability


Prof. Franzisca Weder and her team just published the final report of their analysis of the jobmarket for sustainability and DEI managers, their (self-defined) role in organizational and corporate contexts and the impact of communication in them taking agency for sustainability.

The results in a nutshell:

  • massive increase of sustainability related roles on the job market

  • sustainability management isn't a profession - yet

  • vast range of official roles, from #reporter or commissioner to manager

  • vast range of self-defined roles, from #expert to influencer, storyteller and boundary spanner

  • competences and skills needed:
    - expertise in one key area
    - issue affinity
    - intrinsic motivation and passion
    - willingness to disrupt and to "step on the CEO's toes"

Report attached – questions, feedback and ideas are more than welcome, please get in touch:

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