Grow East Congress 2016

7th Grow East Congress 2016

“Winning Business Concepts in Turbulent Times in Central and Eastern Europe”

Innovative ways to restart growth and expand your market position

17th March, 2016
WKO Conference Center Vienna, Austria

In the last years, the economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have been mired in post-crisis stagnation. Foreign investors have faced turbulent times in these markets with weak purchasing power, stiff competition, political turmoil and increasing government interventions. An improving economic performance and consumer sentiment is turning the attention of management again to the region, especially to the countries in Central and partly in Southeastern Europe, as well as to proven business concepts of foreign and local firms that have performed well even in stormy times.

The 7th Grow East Congress will throw the spotlight on firms in CEE that use innovative approaches to grow and expand their businesses. This group of outperformers includes entrepreneurial firms run by visionary founders as well as firms betting on innovation and new business models. While foreign firms tap local business opportunities with a combination of new technologies, strong brands and localized marketing, “local heroes” often innovate in niche markets and escape their narrow home markets by expanding abroad. For more information on the speakers and their presentations, please visit the Congress website.

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