Rethinking the African business opportunity

04. Dezember 2018

What's your prognosis about the economic prospects of Africa? Check out the results of the McKinsey Global Survey on business opportunities in Africa to see what managers from around the globe think and deepen your knowledge about strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa with our case study.

Respondents to a 2017 McKinsey Global Survey on business opportunities in Africa are confident about the continent’s long-term economic prospects. The survey results confirm that Africa offers exciting opportunities for growth to both global and local companies. Given the continent’s complexities, though, success is by no means guaranteed: thoughtful strategies are needed to translate Africa’s long-term growth trends into profitable and sustainable businesses.

Read full McKinsey report for more details and <link emcee news-emcee-special-pages details-news-emcee detail delivermeal-ivory-coast-adressing-headquarters-demands>check our case study for more insights in strategies for Sub-Saharan Africa.

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