DeliverMeal Ivory Coast: Adressing Headquarters' Demands

21. November 2018

Are you interested to know how dynamic and complex it could be to manage a subsidiary in sub-Saharan Africa? Then check out this case study to find out how the Ivory Coast manager met her headquarters’ corporate expectations and still conducted successful business operations within the local cultural context.

In 2015, DeliverMeal was a Norwegian online food delivery firm, mostly present in what could be considered emerging markets such as those in Africa. Founded in 2010, the company had experienced extremely rapid international expansion. DeliverMeal followed a global strategy, and standardized processes and turnkey solutions were provided from the headquarters to the subsidiaries.
The local business development manager at DeliverMeal’s Ivory Coast subsidiary needed to make some decisions on how to react to three demands that had recently been passed down from corporate headquarters, all of which were at odds with the West African environment. How could the Ivory Coast manager meet her headquarters’ corporate expectations and still conduct successful business operations within the local cultural context?

Read the full study

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