Garagenaufgang zwischen dem AD und D4 Gebäude

"Disentangle the concept of Habitus through Illusio"

20. Oktober 2023

Workshop mit Carina Carlhed Ydhag (Stockholm University)

Am 19. Oktober 2023 fand an der Abteilung für Bildungswissenschaft der WU Wien ein Workshop zum Thema „Disentangle the concept of Habitus through Illusio“ unter der Leitung von Gastprofessorin Carina Carlhed Ydhag statt. Frau Prof. Carlhed Ydhag, die das Department of Education an der Stockholm University leitet, präsentierte wesentliche Forschungserkenntnisse der vom schwedischen Forschungsrat finanzierten Längsschnittstudie „Against all Odds - successful schools in superdiverse educational contexts“.

Die entwickelte Illusio-Typologie dient dabei der Analyse von Bildungsverläufen leistungsstarker Schülerinnen und Schüler diverser Herkunft. Während des Workshops wurden illustrative Interviewpassagen aus qualitativen bildungswissenschaftlichen Studien anhand der Typologie eingeordnet und theoriebasiert reflektiert.


Carina Carlhed Ydhag holds a position as Professor of Education at Stockholm University. Currently, she is head of the Department of Education.

Her research spans studies of social structures of dominance within and between social and professional fields (Education and Medicine). Another theme of research relates to young adults transitions, educational strategies and success in upper secondary education and higher education as also the conditions of scientific knowledge production of ”student completion” in the European educational policy context.

She has experience of both qualitative and quantitative research methods covering surveys, case studies with mixed methods, interviews, historical studies using archive material and discourse analysis. The theoretical tools relate primarily to Cultural Sociology and Sociology of Education with a solid base in Pierre Bourdieu’s work, in addition she has used theory from sociology of professions, especially Andrew Abbott’s work.

Since 2023 she is directing a project funded by Swedish Research Council: Against all Odds – successful schools in superdiverse educational contexts. The research team includes Ali Osman, Anna Lund and Stefan Lund, all from Stockholm University.

Website:Carina Carlhed Ydhag - Stockholm University (

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