Mai 2017/2
Workshop "Force, Content and the Unity of the Proposition"
Organized by Gabriele Mras and Michael Schmitz
Invited Speakers:
Peter Hanks (University of Minnesota); Friederike Moltmann (NYU); François Recanati (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris); Maria van der Schaar (Leiden University); John R. Searle (UC Berkeley); Charles Travis (King's College London, Universidade do Porto)
Stephen Barker (University of Nottingham); Christopher Hom / Jeremy Schwartz (Texas Tech University); Jinho Kang (Seoul National University); Eleni Manolakaki (University of Athens); Gabriele M. Mras (WU); Indrek Reiland (USC / Barcelona); Jeanne-Marie Roux (Université Saint Louis, Brussels); Michael Schmitz (University of Vienna)
Campus WU, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Learning Center, Ground Floor, LC.0.004 Galerie
Program for May 19 2017
9.35 am – 10.35 am
Peter Hanks (University of Minnesota)
The classificatory conception of propositional content
Session Chair:
Michael Schmitz (University of Vienna)
10.35 am – 10.50 am
Coffee break
10.50 am – 11.35 am
Jinho Kang (Seoul National University)
Predication, cancellation and truth value
Session Chair:
Jeanne-Marie Roux (Université Saint Louis, Brussels)
11.40 am – 12.40 pm
Francois Reçanati (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)
Force cancellation
Session Chair:
Friederike Moltmann (CNRS-IHPST / NYU)
12.40 pm – 2.00 pm
Lunch break at Das Stadtkind, Universitätsstraße 11, 1010 Vienna
2.00 pm – 2.45 pm
Indrek Reiland(USC / Barcelona)
Predication and the Frege-Geach problem
Session Chair:
Christopher Hom (Texas Tech University)
2:50 pm – 3.35 pm
Eleni Manolakaki (University of Athens)
Force cancellation and force liberation
Session Chair:
Stephen Barker (University of Nottingham)
3:35 pm – 4.00 pm
Coffee break
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Michael Schmitz (University of Vienna)
Force, content and the varieties of unity
Session Chair:
Maria van der Schaar (Leiden University)
5.05 pm – 6.05 pm
John R. Searle (UC Berkeley)
The unity of the proposition
Session Chair:
Gabriele M. Mras (WU)
Program for May 20 2017
9.30 am – 9.35 am
9.35 am – 10.35 am
Friederike Moltmann (CNRS-IHPST / NYU)
Truth predicates, truth bearers, and their variants
Session Chair:
Gabriele M. Mras (WU)
10.40 am – 11.25 am
Charles Travis (King's College London, Universidade do Porto)
A Bird of Another Feather?
Session Chair:
Nuno Venturinha (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - FCSH/NOVA, Lisbon)
11.25 am – 11.45 am
Coffee break
11.40 am – 12.40 pm
Maria van der Schaar (Leiden University) A Fregean Account of Force, Mood and Content
Session Chair:
Bernhard Ritter (University of Klagenfurt)
12.40 pm – 2.00 pmLunch break: buffet in the Galerie, LC.0.004
2.00 pm – 2.45 pm
Jeanne-Marie Roux (Université Saint Louis, Brussels)
Frege’s real point. Criticizing the force/content distinction and preserving the objectivity of truth
Session Chair:
Silver Bronzo (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
2:50 pm – 3.35 pm
Gabriele M. Mras (WU)
The unity of the proposition, truth and predication
Bernhard Ritter (University of Klagenfurt)
3:35 pm – 4.00 pm
Coffee break
4.00 pm – 4.45 pm
Christopher Hom / Jeremy Schwartz
(Texas Tech University)
Solving the Frege/Geach problem for expressivism
Session Chair:
Indrek Reiland (USC / Barcelona)
4.50 pm – 5.35 pm
Stephen Barker (University of Nottingham) The problem of truth-aptness and the sense/force distinction
Session Chair:
Fancois Reçanati (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)