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Info zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis

Hier finden Sie diverse sowohl WU-interne als auch externe Materialien, Quellen, Dokumente und Links zu guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis (Disclaimer: Seite befindet sich im Aufbau).

Eine Umschreibung (zur Verfügung gestellt von Prof. Susann Fiedler)

Good scientific practice is the foundation of reliable and reproducible research. It involves adhering to principles of integrity and transparency throughout the research process. This includes proper documentation of methods, transparency in data collection, rigorous data analysis, and careful interpretation of results to avoid bias. Ensuring reproducibility is a key aspect, as it allows others to validate findings and build upon previous work. Moreover, good scientific practice entails ethical considerations in all stages of research, from designing experiments to publishing results. This means following established guidelines for the ethical treatment of participants, the use of data, and the reporting of findings. It also involves managing conflicts of interest transparently and ensuring that research outputs contribute positively to the broader scientific community and society. A commitment to these practices upholds the credibility of research at WU and helps maintain public trust in our research institutions.

Leitlinie zur Verwendung und Zitierung generativer KI


Der Ethikbeirat der WU als unterstützendes Gremium bei forschungsethischen Fragen

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