Write a Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Current Thesis Topics
Next Kickoff
27.03.2025 12:15-14:15 TC.2.03
General Hints
Study carefully the guidelines summarized on www.wu.ac.at/en/staff/information-for-teachers/courses-exams-and-theses/theses/guidelines-on-bachelors-theses
(see also: https://www.wu.ac.at/orgstudies/teaching/theses/).
Furthermore, we expect that you to:
Proactively manage the research and writing process and
Provide your supervisor meeting minutes after consultations via email on the same day.
The same formatting rules apply for the thesis, which are also used for the research seminar of the SBWL Knowledge Management and Data Science:
The thesis has to be written using the following Latex template: ThesisTemplateDPKM.zip.
A bachelor thesis has a page limit of 40 pages text (not including cover, table of content, references, appendices).
Please add the declaration of authorship to your thesis. You can find the Bachelor Thesis Cover (and further forms) here: Bachelors Thesis Guide
Please also add a list of aids used
We expect bachelor thesis candidates to have the necessary prior subject knowledge taught in the SBWLs Knowledge Management or Data Science, i.e., to be a graduate or advanced SBWL student. All candidates are expected to be familiar with the general rules of writing a scientific paper and with the contents of the SBWL Research Seminar. These rules are, for instance, presented in the lecture "Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" and further summarized in the following reading:
Jan Recker: Scientific Research in Information Systems: A Beginner’s Guide. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2012). www.springer.com/business+%26+management/business+information+systems/book/978-3-642-30047-9#
Peter Sanders, Dorothea Wagner: Algorithm Engineering. it - Information Technology 53(6): 263-265 (2011). i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/_media/members/dorothea_wagner/itit.2011.9072.pdf
Ken Peffers, Tuure Tuunanen, Marcus A. Rothenberger, Samir Chatterjee: A Design Science Research Methodology for Information Systems Research. J. of Management Information Systems 24(3): 45-77 (2008). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Barbara Kitchenham, Rialette Pretorius, David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Mark Turner, Mahmood Niazi, Stephen G. Linkman: Systematic literature reviews in software engineering - A tertiary study. Information & Software Technology 52(8): 792-805 (2010). www.cin.ufpe.br/~in1037/leitura/Kitchenham%202010%20-%20tertiary%20study.pdf
Lagendijk, Ad. Survival Guide for Scientists: Writing, Presentation, Email. Amsterdam University Press, 2008.
Adam LeBrocq: Journal of the Association for Information Systems Style Guide. https://aisel.aisnet.org/cais/cais_style_guide.pdf
In agreement with the supervisor an individual list of expected readings should be studied by the student in preparation of the actual work on the thesis.
The grading of the thesis takes various criteria into account, relating both to the thesis as a product and the process of establishing its content. These include, but are not limited to:
Correctness of spelling and grammar
Aesthetic appeal of document and figures
Compliance with formal rules
Appropriateness of thesis structure
Coverage of relevant literature
Appropriateness of research question and method
Diligence of own research work
Significance of research results
Punctuality of work progress
Proactiveness of handling research progress
Beyond these, the following grading rules apply: https://www.wu.ac.at/studierende/mein-studium/bachelor/wirtschafts-und-sozialwissenschaften/bachelorarbeit/
In addition, the transparency and documentation standards (WU Policy “Lists of Aids Used”) need to be followed: www.wu.ac.at/en/students/my-program/bachelors-student-guide/bachelors-student-guide-german-taught-programs/courses-and-exams/list-of-aids-used
Steps of Writing a Bachelor Thesis
Overview- please scroll down for details
Step | Bachelor Thesis Summer Semester | Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester |
Step1. Institute announces topics | Bachelor Thesis Summer Semester03.03.2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester04.10.2024 |
Step2. Students express interest in specific topic | Bachelor Thesis Summer Semester03. - 17.03.2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester04.-18.10.2024 |
Step3. Kickoff workshop, students are assigned to topics and supervisors | Bachelor Thesis Summer Semester27.03.2025 12:15-14:15 TC.2.03 | Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester25. October 2024, 09:30-11:00 D5.0.002 |
Step4. Submission of research proposal via email to supervisor | Bachelor Thesis Summer Semester24.04.2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester25.11.2024 |
Step5. If proposal is graded as „passed“, students are invited to consultation with supervisor | Bachelor Thesis Summer SemesterFirst week of May 2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter SemesterFirst week of December 2024 |
Step6. Student sends email update on work progress | Bachelor Thesis Summer SemesterMid June 2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter SemesterMid January 2025 |
Step7. Student sends email update on work progress | Bachelor Thesis Summer SemesterMid July 2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter SemesterMid February 2025 |
Step8. Student presents results to supervisor | Bachelor Thesis Summer SemesterLast week of September 2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter SemesterLast week of March 2025 |
Step9. Student submits the thesis for Plagiarism Check on myWU. | Bachelor Thesis Summer Semester15 October 2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester15 April 2025 |
Step10. Supervisor enters grade in LPIS system | Bachelor Thesis Summer Semester30 October 2025 | Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester30 April 2025 |
Details on steps:
Step 1)
It is possible that students propose topics themselves before the deadline. Such proposals should be made before the deadline for topic announcements and can be accepted if
a clear research question can be formulated for the topic and it is feasible to apply a suitable research method.
the student shall
name potential supervisors in the institute as well as
provide a justification in terms of either completed courses from one of our institute's specialisations or concrete research projects at the institute that the proposed topic relates to (i.e., we strongly recommend to align such proposals with the proposed supervisor upfront in order to be accepted).
The student is notified of acceptance or rejection.
Step 2)
If you are interested in writing a thesis with us, you need to express your interest by sending a letter of application to sekretariat@dpkm.wu.ac.at. The application letter consists of 3 parts:
the letter of motivation, consisting of the topic you are interested in plus a paragraph explaining what potentially qualifies you for this topic. Note that it is allowed to express interest for more than one topic (as a list in order of prefernce), in such cases a separate motivation paragraph for each topic needs to be provided.
recent Sammelzeugnis
Please send all 3 parts as a single PDF file with the following file name „<family-name>_<student-ID>_<topic-no first priority>_<topic-no second priority>_<topic-no third priority>.PDF“ (e.g.: "mustermensch_h12345678_5_4_3_2") to the E-mail adress mentioned above.
Step 3)
At the kickoff, students who submitted expressions of interest will be assigned to topics based on both their interest and their prior knowledge in relevant areas. The final decision is with the prospective supervisor.
Note: If you cannot attend the kickoff for good reasons (e.g. exam, sickness), please let us know upfront, otherwise your application cannot be considered, plus in case of several interesting candidates fo the same topic, priority for assignments will be given to the students present at the kickoff.
Step 4)
The research proposal is a 10 page document formatted according to thesis template which includes the following parts:
1) Working title,
2) Motivation of research problem and research question,
3) Summary of background literature and state of the art solutions,
4) Proposed research method,
5) Outline of thesis,
6) Preliminary literature list,
7) Work plan including milestones.
Students have to pass the research proposal evaluation in order to be further supervised.
Step 5)
If the evaluation of the research proposal is positive, the student is invited for consultations. The student will receive feedback on the background section and research question, on the work progress and further expectations, and on the definition of further objectives. Further intermediate meetings with the supervisor may be agreed upon in these consultations, depending on the milestones and work plan.
Step 6)
Student sends email update on work progress
Step 7)
Student sends email update on work progress
Step 8)
If required by the supervisor, the student prepares a presentation of 20 minutes and agrees with the supervisor on an appointment where the thesis is presented and discussed. The student will receive final feedback.
Step 9)
The student submits the thesis:
a) for Plagiarism Check on myWU system
b) via mail to the supervisor in a single zip file, including the LaTeX sources files.
c) if programme code was developed during the thesis, make it available as well along with a small README file explaining how to run the code as well as system requirements.
Step 10)
The supervisor will usually grade the thesis within two weeks time and enter the grade in the LPIS system.
Note that students who have successfully completed Step 4) are allowed to complete/submit any of the following steps before the deadline (upon individual agreement with the supervisor); however, if the deadlines after Step 4) are missed, we reserve the right to re-assign the topic to another student.
Each semester, we will announce a best bachelor and best master thesis award. We will nominate this thesis for the TALENTA award candidates of our department.
Master Thesis
For general information on Digital Economy master`s thesis, please refer to the program's webpage: https://www.wu.ac.at/en/programs/masters-programs/digital-economy/structure-content/mastersthesis/
if there are differences to this page, the information on the page of DigEcon-Master applies.
Current Thesis Topics
General Hints
Study carefully the guidelines summarized on https://www.wu.ac.at/orgstudies/teaching/theses/ . Furthermore, we expect that you to:
Proactively manage the research and writing process and
Provide your supervisor meeting minutes after consultations via email on the same day.
The thesis has to be written using the following Latex template: ThesisTemplateDPKM.zip
A master thesis has a page limit of 80 pages text (not including cover, table of content, references, appendices).
Please add the following declaration of authorship to your thesis: Deckblatt Masterarbeit
In agreement with the supervisor an individual list of expected readings should be studied by the student in preparation of the actual work on the thesis.
The grading of the thesis takes various criteria into account, relating both to the thesis as a product and the process of establishing its content. These include, but are not limited to:
Correctness of spelling and grammar
Aesthetic appeal of document and figures
Compliance with formal rules
Appropriateness of thesis structure
Coverage of relevant literature
Appropriateness of research question and method
Diligence of own research work
Significance of research results
Punctuality of work progress
Proactiveness of handling research progress
Beyond these, the following rules apply: https://www.wu.ac.at/en/students/my-program/masters-student-guide/masters-thesis/
Steps of Writing a Master Thesis
Overview- please scroll down for details
Step | Master Thesis |
Step1. Master thesis topics will be announced | Master ThesisMid December |
Step2. Master thesis info session | Master ThesisMid January |
Step3. Submission of research proposal via email to supervisor | Master ThesisEnd of February |
Step4. If proposal is graded as „passed“, students are invited to consultation with supervisor | Master ThesisBeginning of March |
Step5. Student sends email update on work progress | Master Thesisregular updates to be agreed with supervisor individually |
Step6. Student presents results to supervisor | Master ThesisEnd of July |
Step7. Student submits the thesis via Plagiarism Check on the Learn system. | Master ThesisLast week of August |
Step8. Supervisor enters grade in LPIS system | Master ThesisMid/End of September |
Details on steps:
Step 1)
It is possible that students propose topics themselves before the deadline. Such proposals should be made before the deadline for topic announcements and can be accepted if
a clear research question can be formulated for the topic and it is feasible to apply a suitable research method.
the student shall
name potential supervisors in the institute as well as
provide a justification in terms of either completed courses from one of our institute's specialisations or concrete research projects at the institute that the proposed topic relates to (i.e., we strongly recommend to align such proposals with the proposed supervisor upfront in order to be accepted).
The student is notified of acceptance or rejection.
Step 2)
Master thesis info session: General Q&A on the process, time to chat with supervisors.
Step 3)
The research proposal is a 10 page document formatted according to thesis template which includes the following parts:
1) Working title,
2) Motivation of research problem and research question,
3) Summary of background literature and state of the art solutions,
4) Proposed research method,
5) Outline of thesis,
6) Preliminary literature list,
7) Work plan including milestones.
Students have to pass the research proposal evaluation in order to be further supervised.
Step 4)
If the evaluation of the research proposal is positive, the student is invited for consultations. The student will receive feedback on the background section and research question, on the work progress and further expectations, and on the definition of further objectives. Further intermediate meetings with the supervisor may be agreed upon in these consultations, depending on the milestones and work plan.
Step 5)
Student sends email update on work progress.
Step 6)
The student prepares a presentation of 20 minutes and agrees with the supervisor on an appointment where the presentation is shown and discussed. The student will receive final feedback.
Step 7)
The student submits the thesis:
a) via Plagiarism Check on the Learn@WU system
b) via mail to the supervisor in a single zip file, including the LaTeX sources files.
c) if programme code was developed during the thesis, make it available as well along with a small README file explaining how to run the code as well as system requirements.
Step 8)
The supervisor will usually grade the thesis within two weeks time and enter the grade in the LPIS system.
Note that students who have successfully completed Step 3) are allowed to complete/submit any of the following steps before the deadline (upon individual agreement with the supervisor); however, if the deadlines after Step 3) are missed, we reserve the right to re-assign the topic to another student.
Each semester, we will nominate an outstanding master thesis for the TALENTA award.
Examples for completed theses
Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management