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Competence Field: IS Management and Accountability (expired)

General Information

The IS Competence Field "IS Management and Accountability" is a Specialization Program consisting of two courses equaling 5 semester hours and 10 ECTS credits for the Master Program in Information Systems. All courses of the competence area are "prüfungsimmanent", meaning that each course is individually graded based on at least three different assessment criteria.

Course Overview

The program structure of the specialization allows students to complete within two semesters. The recommended requirement is the successful completion of the CBK course "IT Governance and Controlling". The first course is held in the summer term, while the second course is offered in the winter term.

Picture showing Course Overview of Master Competence Field

Course 1 ("IS Project and Risk Management") focuses on the following topics:

  • Tools and Mechanisms to Successfully Manage IS Projects

  • Project Management

  • Project Risk Management

  • Risk Quantification

  • Promoting Stakeholder Engagement

  • Assessment and Learning Techniques

  • Managing Project Teams

  • Organizational Issues

  • Organizational Change

  • Digital Transformation

Course 2 ("IS Accountability and Performance Management") includes a major research or practice assignment, which needs to be designed and completed as a professional project. This project assignment can be based on the given topics or relate to additional elements suggested by the lecturer or student within the broader subject field:

  • Central Concepts and Mechanisms

  • Information Security Management

  • Leadership and Management Accountability

  • Stakeholder Analysis

  • External Accountability and IS Compliance

  • IT Auditing and Justification

  • IS Performance Management

  • IS Project Performance

  • Enterprise IS Risk Management

  • Roles and Responsibilities

  • Evaluation and Decision Making

  • Monitoring, Audit Trails and Logging