We would like to welcome all interested students to the Institute for Information Management and Control. We provide an intellectually challenging environment and strive for relevant research tied with innovative education. Currently, we offer single courses and entire specializations for the bachelor, master and doctoral program levels.
The SBWL Information Management and Control
We provide a special program for students interested in merging topics of management and IT to achieve systematic control over strategic and operative goals in various organizational areas like enterprises, governments, or non-profit organizations.
The SBWL is available for students registered to one of the following programs of study:
Business Administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre - BWL)
International Business Administration (Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre - IBWL)
Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik - WINF)
Business Law (Wirtschaftsrecht - WIRE)
Business and Economics (BBE)
Following figure shows a brief overview of the SBWL structure and the courses therein:

For more information on our SBWL please visit the bachelor program section or take a look at the SBWL presentation slides.
The Competence Field for Master Program in Information Systems
According to the structure of the Master Program in Information Systems at the WU, students striving for the master degree are demanded, among other requirements, to pass two IT-Specialization programs. One of these IT-Specialization programs may be replaced by a successful participation of two competence areas.
Our institute contributes to the Master Program in Information Systems by providing such a competence field specialization program for master degree students. The next figure displays the prerequisites as well as the two courses for the competence field:

For more information regarding our competence field "IS Management and Accountability" please visit our competence field section.
Please Note: To attend the Master Program in Information Systems at WU students must fulfill specific requirements. Beside having finished an appropriate bachelor program, prospect master degree students require 2 letters of recommendation, confirmed and signed by 2 scientific employees of the university, as well as an adequate confirmation of sufficient proficiency in English.
Letters of Recommendation
We write letters of recommendation only for students who have taken courses offered by the institute, who are advised by a faculty member of the institute to write a bachelor or master thesis, or who are in other terms closely related to the institute, e.g., work as tutor or student assistant. Every request for a recommendation letter needs to be sent to Peter[dot]Virag[at]wu[dot]ac[dot]at together with information on the position or study program applied for, a short motivation letter (one page) and a recent transcript of the applicant's study records.
Proof of sufficient proficiency in English
The IT-related courses of our SBWL taught in English may be credited to partially proof sufficient profiviency in English. For details on the verification conditions please refer to the official requirements page.
Bachelor's and Master's Theses
Our institute also supports bachelor and master students writing their final theses. For more information on how to apply for and write your thesis please visit our thesis section.
Course Overview
To get a more compact overview of our complete course offerings feel free to browse our list of available courses.
General information on course attendance
Below please consider the following important general information relevant for your learning experiences with us:
Prerequisites for successfully completing courses:
Please note that co-registered students (students who register single courses at WU on behalf of their main degree at another primary university) cannot join sequencing courses.
Students have to pass the basic courses before being allowed to attend specialization courses. We are very sorry, but we have to sign out all co-registered students from these courses.
The teaching language for courses can be English or German. For all English courses we expect all registered students to be proficient in English speaking, writing and reading.