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The International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM) 2015 is extending its submission deadline

The International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM) 2015 is extending its deadline for paper submissions. We invite you to submit your work to the following conference…

Call for Papers for the International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM) 2015

We would like to invite you to submit your work to the following conference track, supported by two of our institute members: ICT Design, Development, and Service Management. This track is part of…

Research Talk by Professor Wong: Information Integration in Supply Chains

Our Institute is happy to announce a research presentation by Christina Wong on the “Value of Information Integration to Supply Chain Management: Roles of Internal and External Contingencies”. The…

SBWL IMC: Midterm Get-together

We invite all our new members of the SBWL Information Management and Control to join us at our informal Midterm get-together. Get social and exchange your experiences with other students and lecturers…

OCG Incentive Awards 2015

The Austrian Computer Society OCG awards the OCG Incentive Award annually to promote excellent degree theses in informatics and business informatics. The OCG Incentive Award is worth Euro 2,000.-. The…