Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.


SBWL IMC get-together November 6, 2018

We invite all students of the SBWL Information Management and Control to join us at our informal kick-off get-together. Get social and exchange your experiences with other students and lecturers at…

WU Awards: The Role of Data Governance - Christian Bruck receives WU's Talenta 2018 Award

Christian Bruck's awarded Bachelor Thesis, which was co-supervised by Edward Bernroider, explores the contemporary concept of Data Governance in both private and public organizations. It is not only…

SBWL Practitioner Talk 15.5.2018

On a regular basis, our institute hosts Practitioner Talks followed by an informal Get-Together for which we in particular invite students attending our SBWL. In SS 2018, guest speakers from two…

IMC graduate Dr. Everist Limaj receives the prestigous WU's Stephan Koren Award

Everist Limaj has been given The Stephan Koren Award 2017 by the Full Professors’ Association of WU Vienna. This highly competitive award is granted to outstanding graduates, who based on the…

Dr. Patrick Mikalef presents: Dynamic Capabilities in Information Systems Research

The Institute for Information Management & Control announces Dr. Patrick Mikalef who is holding a speech on December 1st, 2017, 1:30 pm, D2.2.094.