Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.


Defensio Dissertationis by Josef Frysak

On Monday, 6 November 2017, Josef Frysak will present his doctoral thesis entitled “Effort Feedback Mechanisms for Persuasive Decision Support Systems in Multi-Attribute Decision-Making" at 08:30am…

SBWL-IMC get-together

We invite all our new members of the SBWL Information Management and Control to join us at our informal kick-off get-together. The event takes place on the November 9th, 2017 in the Lounge of our…

2nd Workshop on Green (Responsible, Ethical and Social/Sustainable) IT and IS – the Corporate Perspective (GRES-IT/IS)

The Institute for Information Management and Control organizes the 2nd Workshop on Green (Responsible, Ethical and Social/Sustainable) IT and IS – the Corporate Perspective (GRES-IT/IS) which will…

Visit of Vienna Business School Mödling

The Department of Information Systems & Operations welcomed students of Vienna Business School Mödling.

SBWL Practitioner Talk 2017

On a regular basis, our institute hosts Practitioner Talks followed by an informal Get-Together for which we in particular invite students attending our SBWL. In SS 2017, two experienced guest…