Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.


Participation of Stefan Bauer in the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS)

Faculty member Stefan Bauer attended the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS). During the exchange, he taught IS Project Management at the University of Economics in…

Rudolf-Sallinger-Preis for the diploma thesis „Sensory Branding – Grundlagen multisensualer Markenführung“

Paul Steiner was awarded for his diploma thesis "Sensory Branding - Grundlagen multisensualer Markenführung" with the Rudolf-Sallinger-Preis. This excellent diploma thesis was supervised by ao.…

WU Research Award

Our work on the status of Information Systems (IS) as a discipline published in the top-rated European Journal of Information Systems received the WU's Top Paper Award. The current state of research…

IT Practice Talks

Two senior managers from CapGemini and Deloitte were visiting the WU to talk to our students about current challenges in IT Governance, Risk and Compliance.

Pioneers Festival 2012

As partner of the successful financial services startup Payolution, the Institute joins the "rockin tech event" of the year, where Siri-Co-Founder Adam Cheyer gives a keynote. Around 2500 people…