Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.


For­mal Re­qui­re­ments for Doc­to­ral Pro­po­sals at the IGN

The IGN is com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding sup­port to young aca­de­mics and wel­co­mes ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons from well-​motivated and sui­ta­b­ly qua­li­fied can­di­da­tes for doc­to­ral stu­dies. At the IGN and in the De­part­ment of Socio-​economics, there is a live­ly and very ac­ti­ve post-​graduate stu­dent com­mu­ni­ty.

Re­quests to the IGN for Doc­to­ral su­per­vi­si­on should be ac­com­pa­nied by a re­se­arch pro­po­sal (in eit­her Eng­lish or Ger­man).

Re­se­arch areas

Re­se­arch to­pics



Ph.D. and Doc­to­ral Stu­dies at the WU
