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Daniel Schaupp

Dr. Daniel Schaupp

Dr. Daniel Schaupp

Assistant Professor

Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift

2024 Margolin, Maximilian, Reimer, Marko, Schaupp, Daniel. 2024. The Effects of Real-Time Feedback on Effort and Performance: Evidence from a Natural Quasi-Experiment. Mehr erfahren
2024 Desai, Hrishikesh, Schaupp, Daniel. 2024. Play for time when the ship is threatening to sink? Voluntary disclosure choices under going concern uncertainty. Mehr erfahren

Populärwissenschaftlicher Artikel

2024 Schaupp, Daniel, Lampe, Jan. 2024. People Analytics als Chance für das Controlling. Mehr erfahren
2020 Schaupp, Daniel, Remmers, Till. 2020. Licht und Schatten digitaler Transparenz. Mehr erfahren

Work at IfU, previous experience and academic profile

Daniel Schaupp is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and Managerial Accounting at the Department for Strategy and Innovation. He holds a PhD from Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg (Germany), during which he also spent several months as a visiting PhD at the University of Melbourne (Australia). Before joining WU, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management Accounting and Control at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany).

Daniel has a passion for working in the field, conducting quantitative research in collaboration with large multinational organizations. He examines how organizations design their performance evaluation and feedback systems as well as how different actors behave using these systems. For instance, he analyzes how real-time feedback systems affect individuals’ effort and decision-making quality, how the use of language in narrative feedback influences individual performance, or how supervisors and calibration committee members use the available information from multirater systems in performance rating decisions. Daniel mainly focuses on archival research but also works with survey data and (field) experiments. He has a passion for quantitative research methods and data analysis in Stata/R/Python. The results of his research have been published in the leading international journal Management Science.

Daniel has taught financial accounting, management accounting, and research methods at the Bachelor-, Master-, MBA-, and PhD-level. In his teaching, Daniel follows Jürgen Weber’s conviction: “Nothing is more practical than a good theory.” This means engaging with complex problems on a theoretical level while staying attentive to management accounting practice and contemporary changes in organizations. Furthermore, in his classes, Daniel encourages students to engage with concepts and ideas holistically, fostering a critical mindset and asking important questions. His teaching approach builds on interaction and working as a team, valuing and integrating different perspectives, and producing creative solutions.

CV Daniel Schaupp
