Cooperative Compliance Handbook
Past event: Press Conference on the Publication
Our online press conference on the publication of the Handbook took place on September 6, 2021 from 13.00-13.45 CET Vienna time.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Press Conference Recording

About this book:
Cooperative Compliance is a comprehensive guide providing practical information on the implementation of the principles underpinning the Cooperative Compliance concept. Cooperative Compliance is now recognized as an effective way of securing good tax compliance outcomes at both the national and international levels. National taxation authorities worldwide are rapidly improving international cooperation, given the unprecedented triple impact of persistent revelations of large-scale corporate tax avoidance, the ever-increasing intricacies of digital cross-border transactions, and the unprecedented revenue deficits engendered by the COVID-19 pandemic. This first analysis of the details of Cooperative Compliance programmes currently in operation describes tax control frameworks, suggests practical examples to assist practitioners in tax administrations and the private sector, and provides multiple perspectives on the design and legitimacy of such programmes.
What’s in this book:
The analysis draws on two years of work led by WU Global Tax Policy Center (GTPC) at Vienna University of Economics and Business in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA). Drawing on detailed information contributed by tax practitioners and academics from a wide range of jurisdictions worldwide, the book identifies and explains certain crucial elements of successful programmes:
the criteria for access to Cooperative Compliance (e.g., is the programme voluntary or mandatory? Is there a financial threshold? Will the criteria be publicly available?);
model legislation that can facilitate the operation of such programmes (statutory provisions, administrative rules and procedures, etc.);
the foundations for an international agreement on an audit assurance standard for tax control frameworks (including the role of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the European Union (EU), and other international organizations);
how to develop a methodology to measure the cost and benefits of cooperative compliance programmes;
detailed case studies of existing compliance programmes in Australia, Austria, China, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Russia; and
how to communicate a Cooperative Compliance programme to obtain trust from society.
Edited by: Jeffrey Owens, Jonathan Leigh Pemberton
By: Alicja Majdanska, Anastasia Shesler, Angelina Papulova, Bob van der Made, Bronte Klein, David Murray, David Spencer, Domenic Dirnbacher, Eelco van der Enden, Elly Van de Velde, Esther Huiskers-Stoop, Francesco Cannas, Hans From, Hans Gribnau, Irene Burgers, Ivan Rodionov, Jon Altuna Azkargota, Joost Kutsch-Lojenga, Katarzyna Bronzewska, Kirsti Piiskoppel, Kjerstin Wøyen Funderud, Kristof Wauters, Lars Andersen, Lydia Sofrona, Maxim Zhavoronkov, Per Gyllenstierna, Rachel Craig, Raelene Martin, Thomas Ickeringill, Yuchen Wu

A first look at the cover of the upcoming handbook
This project has been carried out with the support from the Siemens Integrity Initative on Tax Transparency and Corruption in Africa.
Please use the link for more information and ordering the book.
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