Studierende sitzen auf den Holzinseln vor dem D2

BeAble team & contact

Aisan Fekri Afshar, LL.M.

Aisan Fekri Afshar, LL.M.

Main tasks:

  • Advice for (BeAble) students

  • Admission of BeAble participants

  • Issuing BeAble recommendations

  • Administration of tutors

  • Organisation of events for BeAble participants

  • Facilitation of peer groups for BeAble participants

  • Marketing activities for the BeAble programme

Dr. Herbert Loicht

Dr. Herbert Loicht

Main tasks:

  • Support in the creation of study conditions suitable for disabled students

  • Advice and support for students

  • Organisation of examinations

Mag. Christine Leitl-Kovacic

Mag. Christine Leitl-Kovacic

Main tasks:

  • Strategic direction of the BeAble programme

  • Support for various activities in the BeAble programme

Dr. Christoph Schwarzl

Dr. Christoph Schwarzl

Main tasks:

  • Strategic direction of the BeAble programme

  • Support for various activities in the BeAble programme


Learn more!

Further Contacts and Support Services