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Attention …. what!? Mastering distractions and other pitfalls of the digital age


Online Talk | via Zoom | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Attention …. what!? On distractions and other pitfalls of the digital age


Our smart phones are important (dominant?) elements in our lives. For some, it might be the closest relationship they have. Are we just consumers of other people’s contents and thoughts? What gives us a sense of agency and self-determination in the digital age?

Our smartphones can also be teachers and we can use them to learn about attention and how we can learn to shift our attention to not get lost in abstract ideas and thinking and instead focus on empathy, connection, and seeing the bigger picture.

In this interactive online talk, we’ll discuss what attention is, what kinds of attention exist and why that is important to leading a self-determined life and how it can influence your experience of being in the world.

Goals & Competencies
  • Kinds of attention (Iain McGilchrist’s brain lateralization hypothesis)
  • Is attention an active or receptive skill?
  • Datapoints about smart phone use
  • Collecting ideas of how to balance left-brain and right-brain attention modes
  • A couple of embodied practices to become present and receptive
  • Sign up for this talk here.
  • Limited spaces. First come, first served.
  • Be kind: if you can't make it, please drop us a line in time so we can offer your spot to another student.


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