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Improving your Sleep (EN)


Interactive Talk | Online via Zoom | 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Improving your Sleep

Interactive Talk

Sleeping is a basic need. But for many of us, getting a good night's sleep is not that easy. the continuous hamster wheel of thinking that keep you from falling asleep or not feeling refreshed in the morning are just two examples of sleep issues you might have experienced.

To help you get a clearer picture of factors that may be relevant for you to improve your sleep, we put together an interative online talk for you.

ContextIn our hectic world, where the main focus is on performance and doing, it is not easy to switch off and rest. And because good sleep not only affects performance and the immune system, but also shapes your quality of life, Student Counselling dedicates a separate format to this important topic.
Goals & Skills
  •  few sleep basics to get you started
  • Self-assessment of current sleep quality
  • How much sleep do I need?
  • What factors influence my sleep?
  • Analysis: external & internal factors that influence your sleep
  • Register here for the workshop.

  • Limited spaces - on a first come, first served basis. Can't join? Please let us know in time so we can offer your spot to another student. 
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