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STaR Faculty Members

STaR WU Faculty Members are scholars from various disciplines and departments who are committed to integrating economic, environmental, and social sustainability in research and teaching.

  • A detailed list of publications and other activities by STaR Faculty Members is available via WU Research page.

  • Some of our faculty members talk about their research in our STaR SDG-Video series. Take a look!

ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Regine Bendl

Regine Bendl

Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations, Department of Management
ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr.phil. Karl-Michael Brunner

Karl-Michael Brunner

Institute for Sociology and Social Research, Department of Socioeconomics
Wendy Chapple

Wendy Chapple

Responsibility and Sustainability in Global Business, Department of Global Business and Trade

Univ.Prof. Dr. Jesus Crespo Cuaresma

Jesus Crespo Cuaresma

Institute for Macroeconomics, Department of Economics
Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Giuseppe Delmestri

Giuseppe Delmestri

Institute of Change Management & Management Development, Department of Management
Univ.Doz. Dr. Stefan Giljum

Stefan Giljum

Institute for Ecological Economics , Department of Socioeconomics
ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Johanna Hofbauer

Johanna Hofbauer

Institute for Sociology and Social Research, Department of Socioeconomics
Martina Huemann

Martina Huemann

Project Management Group, Department Strategy and Innovation

ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Alexander Kaiser

Alexander Kaiser

Institute for Information Business, Department of Information Systems & Operations
Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec.Mag.Dr.rer.nat. Bernadette Kamleitner

Bernadette Kamleitner

Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, Department of Marketing
Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr.iur. Verena Madner

Verena Madner

Institute for Urban Management and Governance, Department of Socioeconomics
Univ.Prof. Michael Müller-Camen, Ph.D.

Michael Müller-Camen

Human Resource Management, Department of Management
Stefan Perner

Stefan Perner

Civil Law and Civil Procedure Group, Department of Private Law

Margarethe Rammerstorfer

Margarethe Rammerstorfer

Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance, Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics

Univ.Prof. Dr. Armon Rezai

Armon Rezai

Institute for Ecological Economics, Department of Socioeconomics
Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Sarah Spiekermann-Hoff

Sarah Spiekermann-Hoff

Institute for Information Systems and Society, Department of Information Systems & Operations
Univ.Prof. Dr.iur. Claus Staringer

Claus Staringer

Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, Department of Public Law and Tax Law
Kavita Surana

Kavita Surana

Institute for Data, Energy, and Sustainability, Department of Information Systems & Operations

Univ.Prof. Tina Wakolbinger, Ph.D.

Tina Wakolbinger

Institute for Transport and Logistics Management, Department of Global Business and Trade
Franzisca Weder

Franzisca Weder

Institute for Communication Management and Media, Department of Business Communication