BA/MA Theses: Writing for Impact
Enrich your studies with IMPACT! By writing your thesis on environmental and/or social sustainability issues, you will not only expand your awareness and knowledge but will also contribute to the wider research community. To further help you in deciding on your thesis topic, we have compiled a list of faculty members from over 50 WU Institutes and their research areas. As you probably know, at WU Vienna you can write your thesis at any Department/Institute. You will see there are a great many possibilities!
Before you look at the list, please note that:
The list is for informational purposes only. The STaR team is not responsible for changes in the content of individual Institutes’ websites.
Supervision requirements vary greatly among departments and institutes. STaR does not provide information on how to submit a thesis proposal. Please visit the Institutes’ websites or contact potential supervisors.
Generally, at WU, theses can be written in German or English. Writing in another language may also be an option at the Department of Foreign Language Business Communication. Please inquire with your potential supervisor.
The STaR Competence Center does not directly engage in theses supervision.
Potential Supervisors
If you are interested in sustainability topics covered by the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, visit our SDG-Hub page and explore our SDG-video series.
You may also find inspiration by browsing the WU Theses Catalogue. It allows searching for already completed master’s and PhD theses by topic, keyword, and author’s name.
Find your WHY

Learn from others and their theses writing experiences!
If you have recently completed your BA/MA thesis on a sustainability-related topic, we would love to hear from you:
Master's Theses

What is your thesis about?
My thesis is about the importance of sustainable product attributes in consumer purchasing decisions. In detail, sustainable consumer behavior with regards to cosmetic products in the Austrian drugstore industry is investigated. The purpose is to show how consumers factor product attributes that focus on different dimensions of sustainability in their purchasing decisions and whether they are willing to pay a price premium for them. Furthermore, it was analyzed which consumer characteristics (e.g. demographics, knowledge, personal values) might have an influence on consumer preferences.
Who did you write it with?
I wrote with Michael Soder from the Department for Socioeconomics.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
I wanted to write about this topic because in order to accomplish sustainable development for the protection of society and the environment, a change in consumption habits is necessary. Therefore, I wanted to expand knowledge about how consumers value sustainable product characteristics and what factors could encourage consumers to shift towards more sustainable consumption.
What is your impact?
My impact is to contribute to the understanding of how different customer segments value sustainable attributes in their purchasing decisions and to the knowledge of why still a significant number of people are unwilling to choose a sustainable product over a conventional one. What is more, this thesis contributes to the knowledge of how changes in consumer behavior could be fostered by practitioners.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised about the scarcity of research conducted for industries other than the food industry and about how few sustainability labels and standards there are that specifically address cosmetic products, especially with regards to labels that encompass broader concerns of sustainability such as packaging, carbon footprint, and resource consumption. Although the number of sustainability standards is increasing, few are gaining popularity outside their home countries, and many are even brand-specific. The cosmetics sector is therefore calling for regional, if not international standards to counteract the alarming trend of sustainable “self-claims” – a significant number without scientific proof to support them.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I would recommend you to take your time when searching for your topic and choosing a topic that you are really interested in. Writing about something that you are truly passionate about will increase the quality of your thesis and help you to stay focused within the process of writing.

My master thesis is about ... the exclusion of the suspensive effect of complaints in environmental law which lead to the result that project applicants can start with their construction work right away, even though the administrative approval has been challenged by an environmental NGO or other. The hasty conduct of the construction work can then lead to an environmental damage which, even in the case of a successful remedy, cannot be reversed (think of the hasty clearance of a forest – once a tree is cut, it’s cut).
I wrote with ... Matthias Zußner and Stefan Storr at the Institute for Austrian and European Public Law.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... I learned more about this prevailing issue during my legal internship at ÖKOBÜRO and figured that my results could be useful to denounce the recent legislative change in § 43a of the Upper Austrian Nature Conversation Act.
My impact is ... to argue, that the exclusion of the suspensive effect in environmental law is neither consistent with the European nor with the Austrian constitutional law and its principles.
I was surprised to find out that ... I would enjoy writing on a seemingly dry topic as the suspensive effect of complaints that much. This is partly due to fact that I chose to analyse this legal matter on a "real case". Hence, my joy was also fueled by some questionable court decisions and commentaries on § 43a of the Upper Austrian Nature Conversation Act, which I wanted to analyse in more detail.
I would recommend you ... to start your thesis by drafting a clear, logic and consistent table of content and to then make sure to stick to it – otherwise you will run into danger to end up in a legal Odyssey which has no beginning and no end!

My master thesis is about ... how the “Greta effect” influenced the environmental self-identities and apparel buying behavior of Austrian students.
I wrote with ... Valerie Herzog and Jan Hendrik Fisch at the Institute of International Business.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... sustainability has always been important to me. A lack of sustainability courses in my modules motivated me to write my thesis on a topic related to it.
My impact is ... explaining the change in consumer behavior towards sustainability and quantifying it through my empirical study.
I was surprised to find out ... how difficult it is to quantify the impact of the fashion industry and how little research is publicly accessible compared to the vast amount that is kept by the companies.
I would recommend you ... to devote enough time to find the topic you want to write about and to get as much help as possible (friends, professors etc.). There are so many fields of research and possibilities on sustainability, which can be fascinating, but also overwhelming.

What is your thesis about?
As the title suggests the focus of my work was to understand the interconnectedness of sustainability within a corporation and how it is communicated internally and externally. To make it more tangible the sustainability process of two companies, Adidas AG and Puma SE, with a focus on their environmental reporting and ESG ranking, has been ananlyzed.
Who did you write it with?
Univ. Prof. Dr. Wendy Chapple, Institute for International Business
Why did you want to write about this topic?
As an sustainability enthusiast I was interested in how companies approach the challenge of upcoming environmental regulations by managing to maintain or even improve legitimacy.
What is your impact?
Relevant definitions and theories aim for a clear overview of the dynamic field of voluntary and mandatory environmental disclosure. By raising awareness people and companies are able to better understand the importance to successfully push for a sustainable transition within the respective sector.
Tell us something that surprised you.
Even though the topic of sustainability reporting is investigated and advanced for some years already there is a transparency gap prevailing. Therefore, a lack of significant data or at least limited access is hindering the process of comparability on both national or international level.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Just dive right into the topic, get started with research and reading to get an idea of what you want to investigate. It’s a process - enjoy the journey!

What is your thesis about?
This master thesis addresses the importance of knowledge, product and attitude-related attributes of consumers on conscious fashion consumption. It specifically reveals the relevant driving forces favoring a conscious consumption in apparel such as knowledge and interest in more sustainable alternatives than fast fashion, thus slow fashion.
It sheds light on consumer motivation and willingness behind choosing slow fashion before fast fashion as well as reasons for the attitude-behavior gap, which describes the phenomenon that general interest or motivation in changing a certain unsustainable consumer behavior does not often translate into an actual conscious buying behavior.
Who did you write it with? (name of the supervisor and Institute)
My supervisor was professor Elfriede Penz of the Department of International Marketing Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
First, sustainability in consumption is a topic that has occupied an important and worth-aspiring-to matter for nearly all business nowadays. Second, fashion and fashion from the consumer’s point of view is a topic that has ever since caught my attention. Not only is fashion a product which drives a large part of the world’s economic engine but also an area that has the capability to change the consumer’s buying habits to more sustainable ones, if produced and marketed consciously.
What is your impact?
I would describe my impact of this thesis in providing information as well as food for thought regarding the conscious consumption in fashion. My work provides not only conscious approaches to apparel consumption in the form of aspects to keep in mind when shopping, but also a good starting point for consumers to critically question their consumption behavior and knowledge on things like quality, garments or simply apparel care with regards to slow fashion.
What we tend to forget is that fashion becoming more conscious and less harmful to our planet as well as society does not merely depend on companies adhering to more sustainable practices but especially on the actual consumer and his habits.
After all, fashion is like any other consumer product driven by consumer preferences, tendencies and trends.
Tell us something that surprised you.
As a passionate in consumer insights and branding I enjoyed very much the discovery of how emotional but also knowledge-based fashion consumerism is. The more we know about apparel and garments, the more conscious (or woke) we are in the moment of purchase. Also attitude and personal interest are huge factors of the way we consume and can make a significant difference when choosing slow over fast fashion.
After my master thesis I finished successfully my degree and could realize a long wanted wish in creating my own conscious slow fashion brand Mineni. The thesis definitely helped me in materializing the pillars I wanted my business to be built on and drove my enthusiasm in pursuing something I loved.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I would recommend students to write always about a topic that is interesting to them or catches their attention. Master theses are long and research-loaded, wherefore it is very important to deal with a topic that can inspire us and drive our motivation to really deliver something meaningful to us and to our environment.

My master thesis is about ... the evolution of technology and social structures with a case study of space technologies.
I wrote with ... Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle at the Department for Socioeconomics.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... our lives, societies, and ecosystems are being rapidly transformed by technologies and yet we lack understanding of what factors contribute to the evolution of technologies. I focus on the space technologies as a case study since 'a new space race' led by private companies is maturing into a significant domain.
My impact is ... showing that we need much stronger international co-ordination and regulation of outer space activities. Please see my poster from technology assessment conference, here.
I was surprised to find out that ... our cultural evolution is lagging behind non-linear rate of combinatorial technological evolution. Our tendency to seek primarily technical solutions to complex social and ecological challenges under the paradigm of perpetual economic growth exacerbates existential risks.
I would recommend you ... more critical, complex systemic and adaptive approach to navigate challenges (both personal and social).
Pat published an insightful popularization of his master thesis on medium.

What is your thesis about?
My master thesis is about the circular economy in fast fashion analyzing whether multinational companies (MNC’s) in the fast fashion industry are making a significant effort and contribution to the circular economy and to validate the concern that their current efforts might be mere greenwashing.
Who did you write it with?
I wrote with Jonas Puck at the WU Vienna Institute of International Business (IIB)
Why did you want to write about this topic?
I got really enthusiastic about the concept of a circular economy during the CEMS Dach Forum, so I decided to further deepen my knowledge in this area by writing the thesis. Circular economy in the textiles industry is a very timely and important topic, which currently experiences lots of change and innovation. My interest in fashion combined with an increasing awareness for sustainability made this an exciting area of research.
What is your impact?
My impact is to help better understand what businesses need to do in order to be credible in their sustainability efforts and what parts along the value chain companies need to address in order to make an impact. What is more, this thesis draws a tentative “Circular Textiles Roadmap” for fashion companies, which addresses the design, production and end-of-use phases along the three dimensions “reduce, reuse, recycle”.
Tell us something that surprised you
I was surprised to find out that the world is currently only 8,6% circular in the sense of how much of the material we extract and enter production each year are returned to the cycle instead of being wasted. Despite an increasing awareness this percentage even dropped in the past year. The fast fashion model presents an extreme form of a linear “take-make-dispose” economy and is a serious driver of climate change. Oh…and I was also surprised to find out that Austria is second biggest spender for clothing in the EU in EUR per capita!!
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I would recommend you to really take the opportunity to work on a topic that you are passionate about or one that could potentially help you for your future career. For me, working on an area of great interest to me made all those lonely days and also nights working on my thesis much more enjoyable. What is more, really take the chance to talk to industry experts or company representatives to gain additional insights from current or more recent practices. I left every interview really inspired and motivated to dive even deeper into the topic.

What is your thesis about?
My thesis analyses the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Austrian climate justice movements. More precisely, it explores why the participation of persons with disabilities in climate justice movements is currently low and how inclusion could be improved in the future. Inspired by the Disability Movement demand "Nothing about us without us" my research builds on a transdisciplinary research project carried out in collaboration with various members of the Austrian disability and/or climate justice community. It understands disability in accordance with the human rights model and explicitly aims at creating transformational knowledge that improves the status quo and thus contributes to sustainable developments.
Who did you write it with?
Viviana Asara from the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development. Her expertise on social movements was the main reason I chose to write with her.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
In Austria there still prevails a widespread simplistic and conservative view on disability (diversity is often reduced to a few stereotypes, the amount of people living with disability tends to be underestimated, disability is often perceived as being an individual health issue instead of being caused by a lack of accessibility in environments, etc.). This does not only lead to an underestimation of the potential benefits for everyone that stem from providing inclusive settings and environments but also solidifies, often unwillingly, discriminatory attitudes and practices against those with disability. As an able-bodied person, I had also been largely unaware of many issues related to the topic disability. However, I have always believed that educating oneself on social justice issues and challenging our own assumptions and prejudices is key to contributing to a sustainable and just future that leaves no one behind. Moreover, I already witnessed multiple efforts within climate justice movements to address racism and sexism. However, ableism still received comparatively little attention. For these reasons, I decided to focus on this topic area.
What is your impact?
By being the first person to analyse the inclusion of persons with disabilities in climate justice movements for the Austrian context, I was able to kick start conversations and developments in four of the largest climate justice movements in Austria. Similarly, my research also motivated some disability organisations to incorporate climate justice issues in their daily work. A lot is still to be done but considering the overall low mutual awareness of these two groups before I started with my thesis, pointing out pathways for improvements and mutual collaboration already constitutes an important first step – which ultimately raises more awareness for the necessity of inclusion. I also hope my thesis provides a good entry point for those wishing to educate themselves on the issue and inspires further considerations and actions for more inclusive environments.
Tell us something that surprised you.
Many of the "green" innovations and initiatives that are currently promoted in Vienna and Austria are inaccessible or create further barriers for persons with disabilities. To give just a few examples: electric cars cannot be heard sufficiently by individuals with impairments to their vision, "Begegnungszonen" create unsafe spaces for individuals with various impairments due to the loss of clearly separated pedestrian-only zones, and the self-driving busses in Seestadt were tested and operated without ramps. Disability organisations, activists and affected individuals have been consistent in calling out these flaws, but their criticism only receives little attention from mainstream media. Considering that around 18,4% of Austrians (i.e., around 1.3 million people) live with disability, this neglection is unacceptable.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Many students who consider a topic connected to sustainability approach their thesis with a lot of idealism and high expectations. Although this is definitely an admirable quality, it can also lead to a lot of pressure, self-doubt and despair or make you give up entirely. If this seems to be the case for you, or you struggle with the process for other reasons, please don't think of yourself as a failure. Instead, consider building a support network, using the WU counselling services (the employees are really motivated and considerate) or finding ways of working on your mental health. Let curiosity, learning and pragmatism replace destructive perfectionism and insecurity. Normalise vulnerability and see what happens if you don't give up!

My master thesis is about ... mining and social conflict in Latin America.
I wrote with ... Stefan Giljum at the Institute of Ecological Economics.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... I already wrote my bachelor thesis on the petroleum and natural gas industry in Bolivia and that has raised my interest to investigate mining conflicts in Latin America in my master thesis.
My impact is ... raising awareness for the environmental injustice occuring in mining in Latin America and the local communities and marginalized groups that suffer the most.
I was surprised to find out that ... the violence level of conflict doesn't depend on the type of mining resource.
I would recommend you ... to not underestimate the time needed to find a topic, a supervisor, research questions and literature before you actually start writing your thesis.
Mara published an insightful popularization of her master thesis on medium.

What is your thesis about?
The title of my Master's Thesis is “Ethical Implications in E-Commerce: How to Curb E-Shopping Addiction?”. It is a journey that follows the development and rise of online payment industry from the business ethics perspective, adopting some of its key concepts within modern digital space. The key premise behind my work is that human vulnerability, especially behavioral addictions like compulsive online shopping, which has recently grown significantly, expose our fragility in the online space.
Who did you write it with?
Milda Zilinskaite at WU Competence Center STaR.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
While attending MBA courses, I was concerned about having to decide on the Thesis subject. Although I enjoyed and got curious about few of the Finance specialization subjects, none of them was truly close to my personal interests. Eventually, I decided that I could only achieve the best results if I researched on the topic I was only knowledgeable but also passionate about. Having worked for many years in acquiring and payments’ industry, there were several issues I was curious to explore. But what is more, I myself was struggling as an active buyer, with all the temptations in the retail industry and was searching for the ways to assist myself in restraining my spending on consumer goods.
What is your impact?
Initially, I did not have any ambitious goals or expectations regarding my findings: the idea was just to find a way to help myself and maybe to remind myself on how easily we can be manipulated by professional marketing, in particular, neuromarketing campaigns and other business tools. But as my research advanced, I started seeing the potential of my thesis serving as a practical guide for retail merchants on how to take care of their buyers. For example, I dedicate a whole chapter on the lessons from the gambling industry. If adopted more widely, some of the measures could also have an impact on consumer wellbeing. I believe all businesses should adhere to Business Ethics and invest in fighting and curbing Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD).
Tell us something that surprised you.
Well, it’s the pleasure I received while doing literature research. At first, the amount of scholarship I needed to review for my thesis seemed like a nightmare, but then it turned out to be such an exciting process that I ended up collecting much more than needed and kept reading even after completing the thesis. It is quite interesting to dig deep and discover different opinions, empirical examinations and discussions around the subject. For example, when I came across research on what type of women are most often suffering from CBD, I was surprised to see how precisely my own personality was described. It was like looking in the mirror.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
To try to enjoy the process. Do not treat it as a burden but rather as an opportunity to learn and discover something new. Quite a lot depends on our attitude, whether we look at thesis writing as something boring and exhausting or as potentially enriching experience – it is really up to us to choose our own approach and ways of completing this project. Also, trust your academic supervisor, and be honest and transparentw with them. I received great support from my supervisor, but “it takes two to tango”: you need to commit and then the support is always there. Finally, we sometimes do not recognize our capabilities: the internal potential we have might indeed be the biggest surprise.
Bachelor's Business & Economics Theses

What is your thesis about?
My bachelor thesis is about the changes in the world of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic based on three areas: life satisfaction, job security and gender equality.
Who did you write it with?
I wrote it with Michael Deflorian and Ingolfur Blühdorn at the Institute for Social Change and Sustainability.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
I wanted to write about this topic, because it allowed me to explore an interesting issue from a new angle and gave me the opportunity to dive deeper into different aspects of a changing world of work, which is especially now highly relevant.
What is your impact?
With my thesis I was able to look into how employees are affected by the sudden changes in their working life since the pandemic started and raise awareness on the consequences. This can help to have a clearer picture of opportunities and risks that are relevant for future developments.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised to learn how much insecurity employees truly face nowadays and how far-reaching the impact of that can be.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I would recommend you to start thinking about the thesis early and plan enough time for research as well as for writing since the process may take longer than anticipated.
Adma received the Award for the best bachelor thesis in ZuWi 2!

What is your thesis about?
My thesis is about the critical evaluation of the circular city models of Amsterdam and Glasgow and how they fit within sustainability discourses of green growth, degrowth, strong sustainability, and weak sustainability.
Who did you write it with?
I wrote my thesis with Sarah Ware and Clive Spash from the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
I took a circular economy specialization during my exchange semester at the University of Edinburgh. One of the topics I dealt with during the course was the transition to circularity in European urban areas. I found this idea fascinating and decided to dive deeper into the topic. I also started to see this area of expertise as a potential career path. Exploring circular cities from a theoretical viewpoint before going into practice seemed like a logical next step, so I decided to choose the positioning of circular cities within sustainability discourse as a topic for my Bachelor’s thesis.
What is your impact?
My work constitutes a small but, I believe, important contribution to the under-researched field of circular urban transitions. My thesis grounded the practical implementations of circular city models of Amsterdam and Glasgow into the established sustainability discourse framework and identified shortcomings of both city models that hinder the achievement of urban circularity and sustainability. Moreover, I set criteria for the evaluation of circular cities that might be useful for further research in this area.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised to find out that circular city models differ a lot, depending on the implementing authority and the country of implementation. While Amsterdam strives to pursue a degrowth narrative, Glasgow’s plan is still deeply rooted in green growth and weak sustainability frameworks. Such a diverging perspective made me realise that “a circular city” is essentially an umbrella term and more research attention should be drawn to definitions in the area of circular urban transitions.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Choose a topic you are genuinely passionate about, start broad, and narrow down your focus by exploring what has already been done in that research area. Don’t be afraid to enter the unknown while searching for your research question - Everything that's novel has to starts somewhere, so why can’t your research question be that starting point?

What is your thesis about?
My thesis explores the emerging differences in business models resulting from Circular Business Model Innovation (CBMI) within the context of the European automotive industry. The goal is to understand how sustainability can play a crucial role in successful strategies and how it contributes to maintaining a competitive advantage. My research focuses on shifts in value creation, delivery, and capture caused by CBMI, offering insights into how traditional business models transition to more sustainable ones.
Who did you write it with?
My supervisor is Barbara Sporn, and my co-supervisor is Bernhard Böhm at the Department of Strategy and Innovation, Institute for Higher Education Management.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
I chose to write about circular business models in the automotive industry because of increasing regulatory pressures, shifting consumer preferences, and the urgent environmental need to address the planet's diminishing resources and boundaries. The circular economy offers a way to align profitable business practices and potential cost reductions with material efficiency and sustainability. My overarching purpose was to explore how conventional businesses can transition toward a net-zero economy and avoid crossing environmental tipping points.
What is your impact?
My thesis not only contributes to the theoretical understanding of how Circular Business Model Innovation (CBMI) can shift core business strategies but also offers practical insights for automotive managers on implementing circular principles in real-world settings. I highlight the changes in value creation, delivery, and capture, emphasizing their potential long-term benefits for both environmental impact and competitive advantage.
Tell us something that surprised you.
A surprising finding of my research was that, despite the potential of circular principles across various industries, the circularity gap remains significant, with a global average of only 7.2% of materials being reused or recycled. This underscores the need for further research into why circularity rates remain low despite advancements, focusing on barriers that prevent businesses from fully transitioning to circular practices and identifying solutions to accelerate this shift.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I strongly suggest dedicating ample time to the proposal and thoroughly planning the research process. A well-defined proposal helps establish a clear research question and methodology, preventing setbacks midway through. Additionally, effective time management is crucial, so I recommend establishing a reasonable timeline if one is not already required in the proposal.

My bachelor thesis is about ... the flexibilisation of working hours. The 12-hour workday and its effects on employees.
I wrote with ... Felix Butzlaff at the Institute for Social Change and Sustainability.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... the working environment affects everyone and especially well-chosen working hours are essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance. In particular political debates about extending the maximum of legal working hours aroused my interest in that topic and made me decide to make more research about the impact on employees.
My impact is ... to raise awareness of possible effects of long working hours. Working beyond eight hours per day can trigger serious health issues for employees. Because of significant work-related disorders and a surge of accidents at – but also after – work, a legal framework is required to protect employees from over-working. Hence, in order to ensure a company’s long-term existence, a healthy labour is indispensable.
I was surprised to find out that ... working hours also implicitly imply power relations between employers their employees. Therefore, by changing working hours legally or by making them more flexible, one must consider their impact on equality and fairness.
I would recommend you ... to read and educate yourself also on topics beyond your studies. By showing interest in your environment, you not only acquire valuable knowledge but also attract people’s attention.
Sümeyye received the Award for the best bachelor thesis in ZuWi 2.

My bachelor thesis is about ... the contribution of the concept of the circular economy towards a more sustainable fashion industry.
I wrote with ... Martin Herles at the Institute of English Business Communication.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... the fashion industry is considered to be one of the most polluting industries and has severe negative environmental and societal impact. I wanted to find out if there existed a concept for improvement which were beneficial to all three, environment, society, and the economy.
My impact is ... raising awareness on possible solutions to a substantial issue
I was surprised to find out that ... the production of one single pair of jeans requires up to 8,000 liters of water, which is the equivalent of 57 bathtubs.
I would recommend you ... to make sure you know what is required from you when writing a thesis and to match the "Academic Research Techinques” (de: GWA) course with the area of research you are interested in.

My bachelor thesis is about European tax havens and the European Union’s current approach on combating profit shifting and tax evasion.
I wrote with Barbara Haas at the Department of Socioeconomics.
I wanted to write about this topic because I wanted to find out how multinational corporations but also wealthy individuals avoid taxes by using European tax havens, and what is the EU’s reaction regarding this issue.
My impact is to show that there are mechanisms in the European Union which aim to prevent or at least reduce base erosion and profit shifting. However, a further harmonization within the EU member states’ tax regimes is needed so as to achieve this goal more effectively.
I was surprised to find out that several European Commission’s proposals which were designed to constrain tax evasion and profit shifting have been rejected by the Council of the EU as no agreement could be reached. The rather unsurprising fact was that precisely the states which are commonly considered as tax havens (e.g. Luxembourg) blocked the proposal.
I would recommend you to have a deeper look into existing literature before starting the writing process in order to understand the scope of the topic and which research has already been done in that particular field. That way, your thesis will be much easier to structure and thus difficulties concerning the “red thread” will almost certainly not occur.
Aleksandar received the Award for the best bachelor thesis in ZuWi 2!

What is your thesis about?
My thesis is about the Viennese Kultur Token app that rewards its users with free admission to museums, concert halls and theatres when they use public transport, their bike or walk. In my thesis I look at the app’s potential to change mobility behaviour.
Who did you write it with?
My supervisor is Christine Grimm from the Institute for Markets and Strategy.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
When I heard about the Kultur Token app, I thought it was a very cool concept and wondered whether it could cause a positive change in travel behaviour, especially in the Generations Z and Y. So, my decision to write my thesis about it was sparked by a “real-life” question I wanted to find the answer to.
What is your impact?
I show the many positive aspects of this nudging system for the environmental and social wellbeing of the Viennese and in my empirical analysis I find that members of Generation Z actually expect to increase their sustainable transportation after potentially downloading the app. I also show the limitations of the concept and make suggestions for potential future developments of the app.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised that many people were super excited to hear about the Kultur Token app. That definitely falls into the category of the good kind of surprise.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Be very precise when you decide on a topic, narrow it down as much as possible, because you will not have the space to write about all interesting aspects anyways, much less so if your topic is too broad. So, narrow it down and pick one very precise angle.

My bachelor thesis is about ... how many bachelor theses were written in cooperation with external organisations at WU in 2015/16.
I wrote with ... Gunther Maier at the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... I was interested in founding a start-up to connect companies and students to write their bachelor thesis together. Bachelor students spend a lot of time writing a bachelor thesis that may not be published and often nobody cares about. With a company, students work on real world issues and write about a meaningful topic. My bachelor thesis about bachelor theses with companies was research for my future project.
My impact is ... to raise awareness on bachelor theses as a tool for third mission and knowledge transfer. The third mission of universities is the interaction between university and society and is a current hot topic of top management in universities around the world. Company theses are already a practise, but the institutionalization needs to be improved. My study suggests 17% of bachelor theses at WU in 2015/2016 were in cooperation with an external organisation and includes the perspective of thesis supervisors regarding the topic.
I was surprised to find out that ... already many theses are written with an external organisation, but in 86% of the cases, no financial incentive was given to supervisors, institutes or students.
I would recommend you ... to find a meaningful thesis topic somebody cares about or you can use for your own purposes in your bright future to come.

My bachelor thesis is about ... analysis of the sharing economy market in France and Austria.
I wrote with ... Regina Göke at the Institute for Romance Languages in French.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... I realized that although most of my family members, my friends and I frequently use collaborative services, we were not familiar with the extent of this term, the movement and its corresponding practices. My choice of writing my thesis in French and carrying out a comparative analysis between the Austrian and French market was based on my strong ties with both countries.
My impact is ... to raise awareness about the existing sharing economy alternatives in Austria and France. Collaborative practices can generate many opportunities, economic growth, social and environmental improvements. However, it is worth mentioning that this business model also leads to some issues and challenges that need to be addressed in order to achieve a sustainable development.
I was surprised to find out that ... France and Austria share many resemblances in various fields despite their structural differences. In fact, the key factors of development, the market’s leading sectors, encountered obstacles as well as subjective variables such as preferences, motivations, doubts and attitudes of the French and Austrians are very similar.
I would recommend you ... to plan your bachelor thesis ahead. Use all the resources at your disposal (databases, friends, family and your supervisor ...) to inform yourself and identify the topic that really interests you. The more enthusiastic you are about the topic, the easier it will be for you to research and write your thesis.

What is your thesis about?
I wrote my thesis about the communication of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European pulp and paper industry. Looking specifically at current communication strategies towards stakeholders in this regard.
Who did you write it with?
Marlene Gruber (Günter Stahl's team) at the Institute for International Business/ STaR.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
After finishing an internship at a paper and packaging company, I got interested in how such a traditional sector, which can be considered green by heart, puts the relatively new concept of the Sustainable Development Goals into effect.
What is your impact?
The SDGs are universal goals which have not been in motion since a long time, thus established links between CSR communication theory and practical implementations are limited, especially in the pulp and paper industry. By dedicating my thesis on this topic, I want to raise awareness and develop insights about the private sector’s strategies when it comes to including the SDGs. The implementation of SDGs should lead to business actions that are sustainable. For that to happen, it is the role of research to look at the status quo and possible room for improvements.
Tell us something that surprised you.
Surprising to me was to find out the lack of involvement of key stakeholder groups like customers, suppliers or the government in an SDG dialog – who, in my opinion are important for a long lasting impact. Moreover, industry associations and NGOs held a primary position when communicating about SDG engagement.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I would recommend finding a topic you will not mind reading and researching the same papers over and over again, because that is what you will do. Also, figure out beforehand if the citation software is compatible with your Microsoft Word!

What is your thesis about?
The extraction of palm oil and related impacts. Analyzing palm oil starting from the cultivation over processing of the crop up to consumption represented in a variety of products. A major part of the thesis focuses on negative externalities such as deforestation including wildfires and loss of biodiversity.
Who did you write it with?
Lieber Mirko, M.Sc. from the Institute of Ecological Economics
Why did you want to write about this topic?
Since I have a major interest in environmental issues and development, both academically and personally I though a sustainability related topic would be the perfect match. I wanted to observe the frequently discussed ‘crop of concern‘ by putting myself into the perspective of different stakeholders.
What is your impact?
My work aims to raise awareness of conscious consumption and to highlight connected environmental consequences.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised that even though palm oil has a negative notation in society, it is difficult to excel due to its optimal conditions and high productivity. That is why, compared to alternatives it performs as the most efficient vegetable oil crop.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Writing a thesis is like choosing an elective, therefore you can go for something you are really passionate about. Additionally, being interested in the field makes the workload enjoyable. Thus, you will have the chance to deep dive into a topic of your choice and become an expert.

What is your thesis about?
My thesis is about the engagement of multinational corporations in sustainable development in lower-income countries.
Who did you write it with? (name of the supervisor and Institute)
I wrote it with Christof Miska at the Institute of International Business.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
I wanted to write about this topic because I have always been interested in sustainability and sustainable development and because it is a highly relevant topic in times of climate change. Especially MNCs play an important role in achieving sustainable development, as they boost economic growth, while also contributing to environmental pollution through their operations. I wanted to find out the reasons why MNCs engage in sustainable development in developing countries.
What is your impact?
My impact is to raise awareness that MNCs often do not contribute to sustainable development because they are interested in improving the socio-economic situation of developing countries, but because they are pressured by stakeholders, such as local communities and NGOs, to do so.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised that the two oil and gas majors, Shell and ExxonMobil, that I used for my case studies, have relatively diverging sustainability strategies and are influenced by distinct factors. Even though both operate in Sub-Saharan countries, Shell shows more effort to engage in sustainable development than ExxonMobil.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I would recommend to thoroughly consider which topic you want to write about. Writing a thesis is a long process and if you are not interested in the topic, then the writing process becomes more difficult.

What is your thesis about? The Green Economy - A critical analysis of the connection between sustainable development and the capitalist structures of contemporary western societies.
For this purpose, I have taken a closer look at the political concept of the Green Economy, as an economic model of the so-called "Green Growth" or "Green Capitalism", which is supposed to combine economic growth and sustainability. With the help of scientific literature, I have critically analyzed this model for its connection to sustainability in all its dimensions. An interview with an entrepreneur in the sustainability sector helped to compare the scientific input with a practical example.
Who did you write it with? Leonie Bleiker from the Institute for Social Change and Sustainability.
Why did you want to write about this topic? As part of my studies, I was able to look at the topic of sustainability from an economic and social perspective. This has taught me to critically question aspects of sustainability in public discourse. With my bachelor thesis, I wanted to show that things cannot continue as they are now, but at the same time that a sustainable economic and social system is very much possible.
What is your impact? My work shows that the model of "Green Growth" will not be enough to protect our world from severe environmental and social damage. More radical changes are needed, in which profit maximization is not the first priority.
Tell us something that surprised you? I approached the thesis with an opinion critical of capitalism, but I was convinced that capitalism can certainly be made sustainable with the help of a transformation. I am no longer of this opinion. The extensive research has shown me that the capitalist structures of Western societies prevent the connection with sustainability, in the ecological and social sense.
What do you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis? It is important to be very clear in advance what you want to achieve with your thesis and what question(s) you want to answer through your work. Then a red thread will emerge almost automatically and you can not "lose" yourself in the writing process.

What is your thesis about? As part of which studies did you write your thesis? (name of BSc or MSc)
My bachelor’s thesis explores the sustainability strategies of publicly listed Hungarian companies and how they report on these strategies in light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Who did you write it with? (name of the supervisor and Institute)
I wrote it with Michal Lemanski at the Institute for International Business.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
I think sustainability is one of the main contemporary challenges for business and a key transforming drive behind today’s economy. Although there is an ever-increasing awareness towards this question in more developed economies, I was interested in how the corporate sustainability landscape looks like in the CEE region, by focusing on my home country, Hungary.
I believe that there is an untapped potential for sustainability in the CEE region, that needs to be addressed and leveraged in order to reach the 2030 UN SDGs and the EU’s climate neutrality goals.
What is your impact?
Increasing awareness towards the importance of sustainability reporting in the context of large, publicly visible corporations that act as a role model for their smaller counterparts, usually setting the industry standard. The sustainability reporting regime of these large companies also provides a good proxy for their sustainability practices, as companies who actively commit to sustainability are usually happy to communicate these efforts to their stakeholders.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised about the importance of international orientation in adopting sustainability strategies and reporting regimes. The largest, more internationally active listed corporations had very detailed, comprehensive, and easily accessible sustainability reports and clearly communicated their efforts and commitments.
The forerunners were usually the largest and more internationally active firms, whereas, as we moved towards smaller, more locally oriented companies, these reports started to become less and less comprehensive and started to be missing altogether after a certain point.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I would recommend them finding a topic that deeply interests them, because then it would feel less like performing a work-related task and rather like engaging in a quest of uncovering answers for questions that intrigue you.

My thesis is about… the role of consumer education in setting up an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for textiles in the EU under the European Green Deal.
I wrote with… Jan Valendin and Prof. Dr. Reutterer from the Institute of Service Marketing and Tourism.
I wanted to write about this topic because… I learned about Extended Producer Responsibility for textiles and its role in the EU circular economy action plan in my elective “Lectures for Future” and was intrigued by the idea of shifting the end-of-life responsibility to the producer. Since I’m specializing in consumer research and marketing, I wanted to take a closer look at the importance of consumer participation in EPR and how the support of EPR could be increased through consumer education.
My impact is… to shed a light on the fact that consumer education, for example as part of a public campaign, increases consumers’ support of EPR for textiles in the EU. The quantitative analysis showed that the provision of educational information causes consumers to think of EPR measures as more environmentally impactful and ethical. Also, it increases the likelihood of taking used garments to collection containers and much more.
I was surprised to find out that… so many people showed interest in EPR and circular economy in the textile sector, which is another reason that leads me to believe that education has real potential in that field.
I would recommend you… to find a topic that you are truly interested in and not get overwhelmed. You will get a better idea of the topic once you start and read more about it. Trust the process.

My thesis was about...the communication of plastic reduction in supermarkets. It was a comparison between the countries Austria, Chile and Spain. The original title was “Comunicar la reducción de plásticos en supermercados: una comparación entre Austria, Chile y España“.
I wrote with ...Pilar Peréz Cañizares and Johannes Schnitzer at the Institute for Romance Languages in Spanish at WU Vienna.
Why did you want to write about this topic? ... During my exchange semester in Valparaíso, Chile I was shocked about the plastic usage in supermarkets, even though Chile had – back then – recently introduced a new legislation about the reduction of single-use plastic bags and similar. After I came back, I noticed the differences to Austrian supermarkets and wanted to academically deepen this research. Moreover, I wanted to write the thesis in Spanish to enhance my language skills and put to practice what I have learnt abroad.
My impact is... to encourage everyone to acknowledge the problems that come with single-use plastics and to be creative and innovative when thinking about individual ways on how to reduce one owns consumption patterns!
I was surprised about ... the difficulties that come with alternatives to plastic packages. Surprisingly, a lot of hygiene rules did not allow for different forms of packaging.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?...
Be brave and willing to try out writing your thesis in another language than your mother-tongue or English. It might be a challenge in the beginning, but as with everything practice makes perfect, and you will receive support from your supervisor. Eventually, it will be worth all the hard work and you will have learnt a great deal – both academically and language-wise!

What is your thesis about?
In my bachelor thesis, I developed a guideline for hydrogen fuel cell trucks. The purpose is to show Austrian companies with truck fleets the need for decarbonisation and to outline the hydrogen fuel cell truck drive option in greater detail. For this reason, I presented current application tests of the fuel cell technology as well as general framework conditions (by means of an environment analysis) and practice-relevant specifics of usage.
Who did you write it with?
I wrote the thesis with Wolfram Groschopf of the Institute for Transport and Logistics Management.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
It was of great importance to me that the topic of my bachelor thesis includes ecological and economic perspectives. In view of the "EU hydrogen strategy", published by the European Commission in Summer 2020 and the difficulties in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector, hydrogen fuel cell technology for road transport proved to be particularly interesting.
What is your impact?
With my work, I hope to raise awareness around the urgent need of alternative driving systems in freight transport and at the same time offer some potential solutions. Here are the key findings that I find worth mentioning: (I) The suitability of hydrogen fuel cell trucks, especially for carrying heavy loads over long distances, and (II) The necessary use of green hydrogen as a fuel to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the necessity to develop technical standards becomes just as apparent as the possibility for companies to preserve their existing operating procedures.
Tell us something that surprised you.
It was surprising how many experts, from both the theoretical and practical fields of expertise, I was allowed to interview. Almost everyone I contacted were willing to give me an interview! I conducted interviews with seven Austrian mobility experts and had two interviews with managers of companies in Europe that are already using hydrogen fuel cell trucks in practice. Additionally, two more companies responded in writing.
What do you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
I recommend that you take advantage when you're doing an internship or other jobs to gather ideas for possible thesis topics. Writing about something that interests you is truly important! Regarding research methods, if you are looking for expert interviews, dare to ask them via email and LinkedIn. If they don't reply, don't be afraid to contact them by phone after one or two weeks. Finally, during the course of the bachelor’s thesis, you will certainly have to master various challenges - but it's worth it, for example, job opportunities may arise. I wish you great success!

What is your thesis about?
The political role of Western multinational corporations in emerging economies with regard to the Political CSR framework. I wrote about the challenges and responsibilities that come with political impact and reflected upon my findings in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Who did you write it with?
Christof Miska from the institute for International Business.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
This topic represented a perfect opportunity to link the focus of my specialization in CSR and sustainability with development, an area that I want to dive into deeper in my future academic career. I also wanted to incorporate the topic into a present-day topic, which is why I decided to add a contextual reflection on Covid-19.
What is your impact?
A small contribution to a field that deserves a lot more attention. In a globalized world, firms increasingly engage in actions with considerable political impact. This raises numerous questions of responsibility that are not yet fully answered.
Tell us something that surprised you
How far-reaching the political impacts of a company can be and how hard it is to define the responsibilities that come with it.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Pick a topic that relates to their future academic or professional ambitions. If the topic then bores them after one month, it might be worth rethinking the plan.

My bachelor thesis is about ... gender sensitive language in public communications of Spanish and Chilean companies in the energy sector.
I wrote with ... Pilar Pérez Cañizares and Johannes Schnitzer at the Institute for Romance Languages (in Spanish).
I wanted to write about this topic because ... the power of language in regard to gender is something I am passionate about. Furthermore, I did my exchange semester in Peru and wanted to increase my academic writing skills in Spanish.
My impact is ... to encourage others to question their own subconciously acquired patterns of language use.
I was surprised to find out that ... big corporations actually do use gender sensitive language to position themselves as open, inclusive and progressive.
I would recommend you ... choosing a topic YOU sincerely care about and always go for the supervisor who offers more than just one feedback session. Don't worry about choosing a broad topic at first, you can iteratively narrow it down during the research process.
Susan also runs the podcast Inside Impact on social entrepreneurship related topics.

My bachelor thesis is about ... how socially and economically sustainable a reduction in working time is.
I wrote with ... Barbara Haas at the Department of Socioeconomics.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... it is generally known that free time for hobbies, family, friends and themselves becomes increasingly important for employees. I was interested in finding out if and how shorter working hours can have a positive impact on employees and the society.
My impact is ... showing that reduced working hours can be beneficial for employees as well as their employers. Employees have more time to invest in voluntary work, education and their family, which contributes to a more gender-equal distribution of housework. Depending on the job, employers profit from less sickness-related absenteeism and higher productivity of their employees. Furthermore, shorter working hours can improve the employees’ satisfaction, which makes them stay longer in the company. Therefore, costs for recruiting new staff can be reduced.
I was surprised to find out that ... all six companies that I presented in my thesis found that the productivity and motivation of their employees increased. This shows that people appreciate and profit from additional recreation time and therefore want to show that the results do not suffer.
I would recommend companies ... giving a working time reduction a try, if they face problems like unmotivated, dissatisfied and sick employees or a high employee turnover. However, if the work depends on one specific person or has to be done in a specific period of time, costs may exceed profits.
Denise received the Award for the best bachelor thesis in ZuWi 2.

What is your thesis about?
My thesis is dedicated to the role of online trade as a sustainable distribution channel for food. Essentially, I examined the contribution that retailers and supermarkets can make towards a more sustainable food sector, while investigating the potential of e-commerce in food retailing.
As part of which studies did you write your thesis? (name of BSc or MSc)
I wrote my thesis as part of my bachelor's studies in International Business Administration.
Who did you write it with? (name of the supervisor and Institute)
Professor Karl-Michael Brunner, at the Institute for Sociology and Social Research
Why did you want to write about this topic?
Since the bachelor thesis was an important part of my studies, I wanted to write my thesis on a topic that interested me and that I was happy to invest time in. Thus, I came up with a research topic that would combine my knowledge and interest in the food industry with the increasing importance of digitalization, and embed it in the context of sustainability. With the emergence of e-commerce, I wanted to investigate the increasing importance of online retailing in the food industry, its impact on sustainable development, and its potential future consequences. In addition, I realized that the COVID-19 pandemic has also led to changes in the food industry, as the supply of food available online has increased significantly, bringing long-term changes to the food retail industry.
What is your impact?
The global food system is considered one of the main causes of global environmental change and has an impact on many socio-economic dimensions. In this context, digitalization brings significant changes, business model innovations and growth opportunities for companies in the food industry. One of the most important roles in creating sustainable food systems is played by food retailers due to their influence and scale. As e-commerce takes an ever-increasing share of overall food retailing, my findings indicate the potential impact and opportunities, as well as the challenges, of online trade in food retailing.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I loved the research process where I was able to dive into related topics such as sustainable food systems, the impact of retail in the food industry, and the general topic of e-commerce. I understood the huge impact that food retail has on sustainable food systems, and I realized how complex the topic itself is. Essentially, there are myriad factors that influence the sustainable development of food systems. With e-commerce on the rise, it is critical to design it in a sustainable way.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Approach writing your thesis with a positive attitude and find a topic that you are really interested in. Plan plenty of time for your thesis process and plan your breaks! Accept that you are likely to experience a little roller coaster, with times where you can proceed a lot, and times where you don’t manage to write as much as you would like to. That’s normal, and sometimes you may need to take a step back in order to gain full energy and motivation again. After all, I can only recommend to write your thesis about a topic related to sustainability, since sustainable development affects not only businesses, but every individual.

My bachelor thesis is about ... non-financial risk reporting from Austrian listed companies.
I wrote with ... Josef Baumüller at the Institute of International Accounting.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... it is currently extremely relevant due to increasing discussions of social and environmental change.
My impact is ... to educate myself (and hopefully others) on topics of corporate sustainability in a time of rapidly changing legal requirements.
I was surprised to find out that ... small inconsistencies and inclarities in legal wording can have massive financial implications for reporting entities and can kick-start heated literary debate.
I would recommend you... to seriously consider the scope and methodology of a thesis topic before accepting it to prevent your thesis from becoming three times longer than you had planned!

What is your thesis about?
My thesis is about microtargeting, a communication strategy that has been increasingly used in political campaigns over the recent years. It involves systematic analyses of large amounts of data to predict the behavior and preferences of selected target groups and individuals, and to subsequently deliver personally tailored political messages to those individuals.
Who did you write it with?
I wrote my thesis with Daniel Hausknost, and Mirijam Mock, both from the Institute for Social Change and Sustainability.
Why did you want to write about this topic?
We often hear the term "Big Data”, and most of us are well aware that our data is collected and stored somewhere. But what our data can actually be used for and how this could affect all our lives is often not entirely clear. Therefore, I wanted to research how personal data is processed, and whether or not this has the potential to influence you and me, especially in the important context of whom to vote for in elections.
What is your impact?
My impact is to show that microtargeting based on the analysis of personal data and personality-based patterns, under certain circumstances, can be used to influence voters in ways that are highly “effective” and “cost-efficient”, and therefore be a potential threat to the free democratic process.
Tell us something that surprised you.
I was surprised how much can be learned about someone just by analyzing different data points of that person, for example, by observing their social media behavior. It is possible, to some extent, to cluster people into different groups that share interests and fears, and then address them with political message tailored to them.
What would you recommend other students to do before writing their thesis?
Find a (broad) topic that generally interests you and then skim some literature about it. This will help to better understand the different facets of the topic and what specific aspects fascinate you the most. Then, narrow down the scope of your thesis to these very points. I definitely recommend picking only a few core aspects, as you might lose focus otherwise!
Christof received the Award for the best bachelor thesis in ZuWi 2!
Bachelor's Business Law Theses

My bachelor thesis is about ... how the Austrian civil law system allows for potential civil climate litigation that would hold those accountable that cause damages by impacting the climate.
I wrote with ... Stefan Perner and Jakob Zarari at the Institute of Civil Law.
I wanted to write about this topic because ... of the topicality of climate damages and international developments in civil climate liability. A precedent case that has caught global attention is about a Peruvian farmer who sued the German energy conglomerate RWE for the costs associated with protecting his fields against drowning in meltwater from a nearby glacier.
My impact is ... exposing that under the current Austrian tort law, climate litigation is barely feasible and new regulation is needed if emitters shall be held accountable for damages caused.
I was surprised to find out that ... that despite increasing attention from researchers in other jurisdictions, Austrian academia has barely touched upon this topic.
I would recommend you ... to dare exploring research fields that are not widely covered in academia yet in order to truly drive research forward, no matter how early in your academic career.
[All student interviews are in their own words, and not edited for language]
For Students