Project Members

picture from the project members

Brigitte Bargetz is a political scientist with a habilitation degree from the University of Vienna and principal investigator of the research project “New Charity Economy Through the Lens of Affective Statehood” at WU Vienna (Austria) together with Markus Griesser. She is co-editor of the feminist political science journal “Femina Politica”, member of the International Populism Research Network and an associated research fellow in the network MEDUSA Genders in Transition: Masculinities, Affects, and Bodies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her research focuses on transformations of the welfare state, affect studies, politics and affect from critical, queer-feminist, and postcolonial perspectives, theories of democracy and (authoritarian) populism, politics and gender, affective methodologies as well as critical theories of the everyday.

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Markus Griesser is a political scientist with a doctoral degree from the University of Vienna and principal investigator of the research project “New Charity Economy Through the Lens of Affective Statehood” at WU Vienna (Austria) together with Brigitte Bargetz. He is also lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Applied Sciences – FH Campus Wien (Austria). His research focuses on transformations of the welfare state, labour and social policy and qualitative research methods.

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Jessica Gasior is a student of political science with a focus on “gender and politics” at the University of Vienna (Austria) and research assistant of the research project "New Charity Economy Through the Lens of Affective Statehood" at WU Vienna (Austria).

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Fynn Schröder is a student of International Comparative Sociology and Political Science at Kiel University (Germany) and is completing an internship as Erasmus+ Exchange Student “New Charity Economy through the Lens of Affective Statehood” at WU Vienna (Austria) as part of his studies. He is also a research assistant in the DFG project “The Governance of Algorithms” at Kiel University (Germany) on the effects of political regulation on the development and use of AI systems.

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