Bargetz, Brigitte

PD Bargetz, Brigitte

PD Bargetz, Brigitte

Project Staff FWF-Project "New Charity Economy and Affective Statehood"

Brigitte Bargetz joined the Institute for Sociology and Social Research at WU Vienna in 2023 as Senior Postdoc and Principal Investigator of des FWF-Research Project “New Charity Economy Through the Lens of Affective Statehood” (together with Markus Griesser). She is co-editor of the feminist political science journal “Femina Politica”, member of the International Populism Research Network and an associated research fellow in the network MEDUSA Genders in Transition: Masculinities, Affects, and Bodies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Research Interests

  • Theories of Democracy and Theories of the Political

  • Affect Studies

  • Transformations of the Social State

  • (Authoritarian) Populism

  • Feminist and Queer Theory

  • Affective Methodologies

  • Critical Theories of the Everyday and Cultural Studies

Short Biography

Brigitte Bargetz was senior researcher in the research area of Political Theory, History of Ideas and Political Culture and coordinator of the International Populism Research Network at Kiel University (2019-2024). She was interim professor in Political Theory, University of Passau (2022-2023), assistant professor (without tenure) in the research area Governance and Gender at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (2013-2019), principal investigator of the research project “Critical Science Literacy” (2015-2017) at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna, interim professor in Diversity Politics at the Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2012-2013), Post Doc Fellow (2011-2012) as well as Visiting Fellow (2010-2011) at the ICI Berlin, Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Junior Fellow at the IFK, International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna (2009-2010) and a DOC team stipendiary of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (2005-2008). She had research fellowships at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielefeld (2023); the Charles University, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities (2022); the Open University, Milton Keynes, Strategic Research Area Citizenship and Governance (2017); the Institute for Queer Theory in Berlin (2009); the IWM, Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna (2008); and at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington in Seattle (2007-2008).

Between 2010 and 2012 she was the co-speaker of the working group “Politics and Gender” of the German Association of Political Science (DVPW).

She habilitated in political science at the University of Vienna in 2021 with her thesis “Eine politische Grammatik der Gefühle. Affekttheorie als politische Theorie” (“A Political Grammar of Feelings: Affect Theory as Political Theory”). She has a PhD from the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna (2011). Her PhD thesis on a critical political theory of the everyday was part of the interdisciplinary project “Gender and the Transformations of Public and Private”, funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (DOC team, with Sushila Mesquita, Hilde Schäffler), and received the “Award of Excellence” (2011) of the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. She studied Political Science and History at the University of Vienna and the IEP Aix-Marseille (France).