Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Dr. Monika Knassmüller

Building D2, Entrance E, Level 1, Room 1.330

+43/1/31336 - 4259



Biographical Sketch

Monika Knassmüller is Assistant Professor and Deputy Head of the Institute for Public Management and Governance at WU Vienna.

With a background in Business Education (graduate degree) and a PhD (Dr.rer.soc.oec) in Social and Economic Sciences, she began her academic career at the Department of General Management and Management Control and subsequently worked at the Institute for Public Management. Furthermore, she gained international experience as visiting scholar at the Maison des Sciences de l'Hommes in Paris (1999), the CMOS (Center for Management and Organization studies) at the University of Technology in Sydney (2008) and the Department of Public Administration at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (2017).

By working with the Vice-Rector for Academic Programs and Student Affairs at WU Wien for a period of office (2004-2008; developing and implementing various administrative change projects in the course of the corporatization of the university and the introduction of the new bachelor and master programs fitting the Bologna Declaration), Monika Knassmüller developed a distinct hybrid profile at the interface of research, teaching and practice. In this capacity, she won the Award for Higher Education Management 2008 (first prize for the project "Lehrorganisation neu" / Reorganisation of WU’s Teaching Administration; with Karl Sandner, Markus Schelenz, Ute Steffl, Oliver Vettori), given by the Danube University Krems.

Research and Teaching

Monika Knassmüller's research interests include public management and public governance from an organizational and comparative perspective, organizational communication, qualitative research methodology, and the research-teaching nexus in higher education with a focus on teaching public management and the training of civil servants. In particular, she currently focusses on the public value of (public) organisations, criteria for successful communication of public organisations, and the effects of measures taken in the course of reform efforts.

A comprehensive list of research projects Monika Knassmüller is involved in as well as a list of her publications can be found in the FIDES documentation.

Next to research, Monika Knassmüller teaching experience covers undergraduate, graduate and executive level. She holds courses on public management and governance (including policy fields like higher education, arts and culture, public health), ethics and good governance, organizational behavior, and qualitative research methods. She has received an Excellence in Teaching Award in 2013 (Course: Ethics and Good (Corporate) Governance) and 2014 (Course: Management of / in Selected Policy Fields). In 2017, she was awarded Academic Advisor of the Year 2015/16 (Kooperationsbeauftragte des Jahres) by WU Vienna and ÖH WU (Student's Union).

Detailed Information on current and past courses can be found in WU’s course catalogue.