Schräge Außenansicht des LC Gebäudes

Stefan Treitl

Senior Lecturer

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
Institute for Production Management

Building D2, Entrance C, 3rd Floor
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Email: stefan.treitl(at)
Phone: +43-1-31336/5626
Fax: +43-1-31336/90 5626

office hours: by appointment (e-mail)


Stefan Treitl is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Production Management. Prior to that, he studied Management Science at WU and afterwards did his Doctoral Studies there, focusing on the environmental impact of supply chain operations. Sustainability in Supply Chains is still one of his major research and teaching areas.

Stefan is responsible for the planning and coordination of all courses in the SBWL Production Management. Besides that, his teaching activities include courses on the Bachelor- and Master-Level at WU. The main teaching areas are quantitative models and their application in operations and supply chain management, including inventory management and capacity management.

Research Interests

  • Sustainable Operations

  • Network Design

  • Supply Chain Planning

Lectures at WU

Research Database

  • PURE (Publications, Projects, Activities)