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Bachelor's Thesis

Bachelor's Thesis Guidelines

A bachelor's thesis is a scientific paper and, as such, adheres to certain academic and style criteria. While similar to master's theses and doctoral theses in this regard, a bachelor's thesis is limited in its scope.

The central aim of a bachelor's thesis is to create an academic text independently. You will have to independently define a topic idea, address it through use of academic literature, and demonstrate your grasp of the material on paper.

More information
Required courses
  • When writing your bachelor's thesis at our institute, we recommend attending the course on Academic Research Techniques (Standards wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und Zitierens, in German), ideally at our institute and in the semester prior to your writing process.

More information (Academic writing)
  • Student Support Area (in German): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

  • BBE students should refer to the following site and read the bachelor's thesis guidelines.

  • Höllerer/Jancsary/Egger-Peitler: "Wissenschaftliches Schreiben im Studium. Eine Einführung" – available for supervised students at the institute (in German)